Judith Nelson (soprano)

~ Person


WorkWritersArtistsISWCTypeLyrics LanguagesAttributesRating
Alceste, HWV 45: Act I. Accompagnato. Ye happy people
    Alceste, HWV 45: Act I. Air. Gentle Morpheus, son of night
      Alceste, HWV 45: Act I. Air. Ye swift minutes as ye fly
        Alceste, HWV 45: Act I. Grand entree
          Alceste, HWV 45: Act I. O bless, ye pow'rs above
            Alceste, HWV 45: Act I. Still caressing and caress'd
              Alceste, HWV 45: Act I. Triumph, Hymen, in the pair
                Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. "Enjoy the Sweet Elysian Grove"
                  Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. Air. Come, Fancy, empress of the brain
                    Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. Air. Tune your harps, all ye Nine
                      Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. Air. Ye fleeting shades, I come
                        Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. All hail, thou mighty son of Jove!
                          Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. Ballo primo: Un peu lentement
                            Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. L'ultimato ballo
                              Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. Recitative. From high Olympus' top, the seat of God
                                Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. Si replica il Core precedente: Thrice happy
                                  Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. Symphony and Accompagnato. He comes, he rises from below
                                    Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. Symphony: Larghetto
                                      Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. Thrice happy who in life excel
                                        Alceste, HWV 45: Act IV. Triumph, thou son of Jove
                                          Alceste, HWV 45: Ouverture
                                            Alla guerra d'amore
                                              Anthem for the Foundling Hospital: Blessed are they... They deliver the poor
                                                Anthem for the Foundling Hospital: Comfort them, O Lord
                                                  Anthem for the Foundling Hospital: Hallelujah!
                                                    Anthem for the Foundling Hospital: O God who from the suckling's mouth
                                                      Anthem for the Foundling Hospital: The charitable shall be had
                                                        Anthem for the Foundling Hospital: The people will tell of their wisdom
                                                          Beato in ver chi pùo, HWV 181
                                                          • Italian
                                                          Concerto, settimo libro de madrigali, con altri generi di canti: O come sei gentile, SV 120
                                                            Fuge anima mea mundum, SV 305
                                                              Gloria in D major, RV 589: III. Laudamus te
                                                              • Latin
                                                              • G major (Key)
                                                              Gloria in D major, RV 589: VI. Domine Deus
                                                              • Latin
                                                              • C major (Key)
                                                              Gloria, RV 589: III. Laudamus te (edited by Malipiero)
                                                                Jubilate, HWV 279: IV. O go your way into his gates
                                                                • English
                                                                Langue, geme, e sospira, HWV 188
                                                                • Italian
                                                                Leçon de ténèbres du Jeudi saint, H.103: LAMED - Matribus suis dixerunt
                                                                  Leçon de ténèbres du Jeudi saint, H.104: ALEPH - Ego vir videns
                                                                    Leçon de ténèbres du Vendredi saint, H.105
                                                                      Leçon de ténèbres du Vendredi saint, H.110
                                                                        Magnificat Es-Dur, BWV 243a: X. Aria (Sopran I, Sopran II, Alt) "Suscepit Israel"
                                                                        • Latin
                                                                        Mass in E-flat major, Hob. XXII:4 "Große Orgelmesse": I. Kyrie
                                                                        • Latin
                                                                        Mass in E-flat major, Hob. XXII:4 "Große Orgelmesse": II. Gloria
                                                                        • Latin
                                                                        Mass in E-flat major, Hob. XXII:4 "Große Orgelmesse": III. Credo
                                                                        • Latin
                                                                        Mass in E-flat major, Hob. XXII:4 "Große Orgelmesse": IV. Sanctus
                                                                        • Latin
                                                                        Mass in E-flat major, Hob. XXII:4 "Große Orgelmesse": V. Benedictus
                                                                        • Latin
                                                                        Mass in E-flat major, Hob. XXII:4 "Große Orgelmesse": VI. Agnus Dei
                                                                        • Latin
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part I, no. 14. Recitative “There were shepherds, abiding in the field… And lo! the angel of the Lord come upon them” (Soprano)
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part I, no. 15. Recitative “And the angel said unto them” (Soprano)
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part I, no. 16. Recitative “And suddenly there was with the angel” (Soprano)
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part I, no. 17. Chorus “Glory to God in the highest”
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part I, no. 18: Air “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion” (Soprano)
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part I, no. 19. Recitativo “Then shall the eyes of the blind” (Contralto)
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part I, no. 20. Air “He Shall Feed His Flock” (Soprano, Contralto)
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part II, no. 29. Recitative “Thy rebuke hath broken his heart” (Tenor)
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part II, no. 30. Arioso “Behold and see” (Tenor)
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part II, no. 31. Recitative “He was cut off out of the land of the living…” (soprano)
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Messiah, HWV 56: Part II, no. 32. “But thou didst not leave His soul in hell…” (soprano)
                                                                        • English
                                                                        Missa Brevis in F Major, Hob. XXII:1, "Jugendmesse": Agnus Dei
                                                                          Missa Brevis in F Major, Hob. XXII:1, "Jugendmesse": Benedictus
                                                                            Missa Brevis in F Major, Hob. XXII:1, "Jugendmesse": Credo
                                                                              Missa Brevis in F Major, Hob. XXII:1, "Jugendmesse": Gloria
                                                                                Missa Brevis in F Major, Hob. XXII:1, "Jugendmesse": Kyrie
                                                                                  Missa Brevis in F Major, Hob. XXII:1, "Jugendmesse": Sanctus
                                                                                    Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei
                                                                                      Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Agnus Dei: Dona nobis pacem
                                                                                        Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Benedictus
                                                                                          Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Credo: Credo in unum Deum
                                                                                            Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Credo: Et incarnatus est
                                                                                              Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Credo: Et resurrexit
                                                                                                Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Gloria: Cum Sancto Spiritu
                                                                                                  Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Gloria: Domine Deus
                                                                                                    Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Gloria: Gloria in excelsis Deo
                                                                                                      Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Gloria: Gratias agimus tibi
                                                                                                        Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Gloria: Laudamus te
                                                                                                          Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Gloria: Qui tollis
                                                                                                            Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Gloria: Quoniam
                                                                                                              Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Kyrie: Christe eleison
                                                                                                                Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Kyrie: Kyrie I
                                                                                                                  Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Kyrie: Kyrie II
                                                                                                                    Missa Cellensis C-Dur, Hob. XXII:5: Sanctus
                                                                                                                      Missa Sancti Nicolai in G Major, Hob. XXII:6, "Nikolaimesse" : Agnus Dei
                                                                                                                        Missa Sancti Nicolai in G Major, Hob. XXII:6, "Nikolaimesse" : Benedictus
                                                                                                                          Missa Sancti Nicolai in G Major, Hob. XXII:6, "Nikolaimesse" : Credo
                                                                                                                            Missa Sancti Nicolai in G Major, Hob. XXII:6, "Nikolaimesse" : Sanctus
                                                                                                                              Missa Sancti Nicolai in G Major, Hob. XXII:6, "Nikolaimesse" / Gloria
                                                                                                                                Missa Sancti Nicolai in G Major, Hob. XXII:6, "Nikolaimesse" / Kyrie
                                                                                                                                  Nella stagion che di viole e rose, HWV 137
                                                                                                                                  • Italian
                                                                                                                                  • D minor (Key)
                                                                                                                                  Nò, di voi non vo' fidarmi, HWV 189
                                                                                                                                  • Italian
                                                                                                                                  O beatae viae SV 312
                                                                                                                                    Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74: “Eternal Source of Light Divine”
                                                                                                                                    • English
                                                                                                                                    Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74: “Kind Health Descends on Downy Wings”
                                                                                                                                    • English
                                                                                                                                    Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74: “Let All the Winged Race With Joy”
                                                                                                                                    • English
                                                                                                                                    Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74: “Let Envy Then Conceal Her Head”
                                                                                                                                    • English
                                                                                                                                    Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74: “Let Flocks and Herds Their Fear Forget”
                                                                                                                                    • English
                                                                                                                                    Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74: “Let Rolling Streams Their Gladness Show”
                                                                                                                                    • English
                                                                                                                                    Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74: “United Nations Shall Combine”
                                                                                                                                    • English
                                                                                                                                    Partì, l'idolo mio, HWV 147
                                                                                                                                    • Italian
                                                                                                                                    • B-flat minor (Key)
                                                                                                                                    Quel fior che all'alba ride, HWV 192
                                                                                                                                    • Italian
                                                                                                                                    • B-flat major (Key)
                                                                                                                                    Salve o regina, SV 326
                                                                                                                                    • Latin