
~ CD stub by George Frideric Handel


The English Concert & Choir, cond. Trevor Pinnock


2Accompagnato (Tenor): Comfort ye my people3:26
3Air (Tenor): Ev'ry valley shall be exalted3:32
4Chorus: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed2:51
5Accompagnato (Bass): Thus saith the Lord of Hosts1:36
6Air (Alto): But who may abide the day of his coming4:45
7Chorus: And he shall purify2:25
8Recitative (Contralto): Behold, a virgin shall conceive0:30
9Air (Contralto) and Chorus: O thou that tellest good tidings5:30
10Accompagnato (Bass): For behold, darkness shall cover3:03
11Air (Bass): The people that walked in darkness3:56
12Chorus: For unto us a Child is born4:04
13Pifa (Pastoral Symphony)1:11
14Recitative (Suite): There were shepherds abing in the field1:34
15Chorus: Glory to God in the highest1:59
16Air (Soprano): Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion4:48
17Recitative (Contralto): Then shall the eyes of the blind0:21
18Air (Contralto & Soprano): He shall feed his flock6:09
19Chorus: His yoke is easy, his burthen is light2:21
20Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God3:18
21Air (Contralto): He was despised13:15

Disc ID information

Disc ID:sR4ncxQHj6FijwgFw27ptwuzpjI-
Total tracks:21
Total length:1:13:59
Full TOC:1 21 333107 182 15432 30870 46745 59605 66802 88212 99095 101332 126095 139832 157525 175857 181157 188207 197132 218767 220352 248057 258632 273445