
DateTitleCredited AsAttributesArtistLength
editing location for
Big Bright LightIndecision5:14
Blue AngelIndecision5:23
Guilty AgainIndecision5:55
Last TrainIndecision5:28
Little Black CatIndecision5:15
Love From a DistanceIndecision3:59
Roller CoasterIndecision6:23
Spread the WaterIndecision5:01
Sweet GloriaIndecision7:31
The Great RoadIndecision7:30
engineering location for
Get Outta My HeadSound of MusicCracker2:04
mixing location for
All My Asshole FriendsHotel Lights3:40
Big Bright LightIndecision5:14
Blue AngelIndecision5:23
Dave Sharkey to the Dance FloorHotel Lights3:37
Falling DownHotel Lights4:37
Girl GraffitiHotel Lights5:01
Girl WaitingHotel Lights4:06
Guilty AgainIndecision5:55
Headboards and AspirinHotel Lights4:00
Into the BlueHotel Lights4:05
Lake SpeedLabradford6:46
Last TrainIndecision5:28
Little Black CatIndecision5:15
Love From a DistanceIndecision3:59
My Own CloudHotel Lights3:27
My Pretty QuirkHotel Lights3:16
Phantom Channel CrossingLabradford4:43
Roller CoasterIndecision6:23
Scenic RecoveryLabradford4:52
Spread the WaterIndecision5:01
Super 8mmHotel Lights4:32
Sweet GloriaIndecision7:31
The CipherLabradford3:12
The Great RoadIndecision7:30
Through the CrowdHotel Lights3:38
recording location for
All My Asshole FriendsHotel Lights3:40
Ashes of the WakeSound of MusicguitarLamb of God5:45
Ashes of the WakeSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God5:45
Big Bright LightIndecision5:14
Blood of the ScribeSound of MusicguitarLamb of God4:24
Blood of the ScribeSound of Musiclead vocalsLamb of God4:24
Blood of the ScribeSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God4:24
Blue AngelIndecision5:23
Break YouSound of MusicguitarLamb of God3:36
Break YouSound of Musiclead vocalsLamb of God3:36
Break YouSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God3:36
Dave Sharkey to the Dance FloorHotel Lights3:37
Falling DownHotel Lights4:37
Girl GraffitiHotel Lights5:01
Girl WaitingHotel Lights4:06
Guilty AgainIndecision5:55
Headboards and AspirinHotel Lights4:00
HourglassSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God4:00
HourglassSound of Musiclead vocalsLamb of God4:00
HourglassSound of MusicguitarLamb of God4:00
Into the BlueHotel Lights4:05
Laid to RestSound of Musiclead vocalsLamb of God3:50
Laid to RestSound of MusicguitarLamb of God3:50
Laid to RestSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God3:50
Lake SpeedLabradford6:46
Last Steps, FirstSound of MusicJeff Cosgrove | Matthew Shipp | William Parker9:02
Last TrainIndecision5:28
Little Black CatIndecision5:15
Love From a DistanceIndecision3:59
My Own CloudHotel Lights3:27
My Pretty QuirkHotel Lights3:16
Now You’ve Got Something to Die ForSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God3:40
Now You’ve Got Something to Die ForSound of Musiclead vocalsLamb of God3:40
Now You’ve Got Something to Die ForSound of MusicguitarLamb of God3:40
October Nights SkySound of MusicJeff Cosgrove | Matthew Shipp | William Parker35:19
OmertaSound of Musiclead vocalsLamb of God4:46
OmertaSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God4:46
OmertaSound of MusicguitarLamb of God4:46
One GunSound of Musiclead vocalsLamb of God3:59
One GunSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God3:59
One GunSound of MusicguitarLamb of God3:59
Phantom Channel CrossingLabradford4:43
Remorse Is for the DeadSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God5:40
Remorse Is for the DeadSound of MusicguitarLamb of God5:40
Remorse Is for the DeadSound of Musiclead vocalsLamb of God5:40
Roller CoasterIndecision6:23
Scenic RecoveryLabradford4:52
SphericalSound of MusicJeff Cosgrove | Matthew Shipp | William Parker15:09
Spread the WaterIndecision5:01
Super 8mmHotel Lights4:32
Sweet GloriaIndecision7:31
The CipherLabradford3:12
The Faded LineSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God4:37
The Faded LineSound of Musiclead vocalsLamb of God4:37
The Faded LineSound of MusicguitarLamb of God4:37
The Great RoadIndecision7:30
Through the CrowdHotel Lights3:38
What I’ve BecomeSound of Musicbass guitarLamb of God3:29
What I’ve BecomeSound of Musiclead vocalsLamb of God3:29
What I’ve BecomeSound of MusicguitarLamb of God3:29
recording location for
A CampSound of Music StudiosA Camp