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CD 1
1St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 1. Herr unser Herrscher
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 1 Chorus "Herr, unser Herrscher" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach8:50
2St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 2. Jesum von Nazareth
bass vocals [Jesus]:
Nathaniel Watson (American baritone)
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 2 "Jesus ging mit seinen Jüngern" (Evangelista, Jesus, Chorus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach2:19
3St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 3. O große Lieb
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 3 Choral "O große Lieb" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Heermann
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 168)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach0:50
4St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 4. Auf daß das Wort
bass vocals [Jesus]:
Nathaniel Watson (American baritone)
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 4 "Auf daß das Wort erfüllet werde" (Evangelista, Jesus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach1:10
5St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 5. Dein will gescheh
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 5 Choral "Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich" (on 1996-03-31)
Martin Luther (German theologian of the Reformation)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 317)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach0:45
6St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 6. Die schar aber und der Oberhauptmann
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 6 "Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann" (Evangelista) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach0:52
7St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 7. Von den Srticken meine Sünden
alto vocals:
Jennifer Lane (operatic mezzo‐soprano)
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 7 Aria (Alt) "Von den Stricken meiner Sünden" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach5:19
8St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 8. Simon Petrus
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 8 "Simon Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach" (Evangelista) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach0:10
9St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 9. Ich folge dich gleichfalls mit freudigen Schritten
soprano vocals:
Tamara Matthews (soprano)
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 9 Aria (Sopran) "Ich folge dir gleichfalls" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach3:35
10St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 10. Derselbige Jünger
bass vocals [Jesus]:
Nathaniel Watson (American baritone)
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 10 "Derselbige Jünger war" (Evangelista, Ancilla, Servus, Petrus, Jesus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach3:19
11St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 11. Wer hat dich so geschlagen
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 11 Choral "Wer hat dich so geschlagen" (on 1996-03-31)
Paul Gerhardt (17th century hymn writer)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 293)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach1:25
12St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 12. Bist du nicht seiner Jünger einer
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 12 "Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden" (Evangelista, Chorus, Servus, Petrus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach2:14
13St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 13. Ach mein Sinn wo willt du endlich hin
tenor vocals:
David Vanderwal (tenor)
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 13 Aria (Tenor) "Ach, mein Sinn" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach2:27
14St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 1, 14. Petrus der nicht denkt zurück
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 14 Choral "Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück" (on 1996-03-31)
Paul Stockmann
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 192)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach1:13
15St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 15. Christus der uns selig macht
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 15 Choral "Christus, der uns selig macht" (on 1996-03-31)
Michael Weiße (German theologian and hymn writer)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 49)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach0:53
16St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 16. Wäre dieser nicht ein übeltäter
bass vocals [Jesus]:
Nathaniel Watson (American baritone)
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 16 "Da führeten sie Jesum" (Evangelista, Pilatus, Jesus, Chorus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach4:05
17St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 17. Ach großer König groß zu allen Zeiten
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 17 Choral "Ach großer König" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Heermann
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 169)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach1:11
18St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 18. Nicht diesen sondern Barabam
bass vocals [Jesus]:
Nathaniel Watson (American baritone)
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 18 "Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm" (Evangelista, Pilatus, Jesus, Chorus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach1:58
19St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 19. Betrachte meine Seel
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 19 Arioso (Bass) "Betrachte, meine Seel" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach2:27
20St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 20. Erwäge wie sein blutgefärbte Rücken
tenor vocals:
David Vanderwal (tenor)
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 20 Aria (Tenor) "Erwäge, wie sein blutgefärbter Rücken" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach8:12
CD 2
1St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 21. Und die Kriegsknechte flochten ein
bass vocals [Jesus]:
Nathaniel Watson (American baritone)
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 21 "Und die Kriegsknechte flochten" (Evangelista, Chorus, Pilatus, Jesus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach5:31
2St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 22. Durch dein gefängnis Gottes Sohn
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 22 Choral "Durch dein Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 239)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach1:00
3St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 23. Die Juden aber schrieen u sprachen
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 23 "Die Juden aber schrieen" (Evangelista, Chorus, Pilatus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach4:03
4St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 24. Eilt ihr angefochtnen Seelen
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 24 Aria (Bass, Chorus) "Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach3:51
5St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 25. All da Kreuezigten sie ein
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 25 "Allda kreuzigten sie ihn" (Evangelista, Chorus, Pilatus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach2:15
6St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 26. In meines Herzens Grunde
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 26 Choral "In meines Herzens Grunde" (on 1996-03-31)
Valerius Herberger (German hymn writer)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 315)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach0:57
7St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 27. Die Kriegesknechte aber
bass vocals [Jesus]:
Nathaniel Watson (American baritone)
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 27 "Die Kriegsknechte aber" (Evangelista, Chorus, Jesus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach3:51
8St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 28. Er nahm alles wohl in acht
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 28 Choral "Er nahm alles wohl in acht" (on 1996-03-31)
Paul Stockmann
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 193)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach1:03
9St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 29. Und von Stund an nahm sie der Jünger
bass vocals [Jesus]:
Nathaniel Watson (American baritone)
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 29 "Und von Stund an" (Evangelista, Jesus) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach1:35
10St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 30. Es isr vollbracht
alto vocals:
Jennifer Lane (operatic mezzo‐soprano)
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 30 Aria (Alt) "Es ist vollbracht!" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach5:40
11St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 31. Und neiget das Haupt und verschied
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 31 "Und neiget sein Haupt" (Evangelista) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach0:27
12St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 32. Mein teurer Heiland laß dich fragen
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 32 Aria (Bass, Chorus) "Mein teurer Heiland, laß dich fragen" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach4:25
13St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 33. Und siehe da der Vorhang im Tempel zerriß
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 33 "Und siehe da, der Vorhang" (Evangelista) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach0:31
14St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 34. Mein Herz in dem die ganze Welt
tenor vocals:
David Vanderwal (tenor)
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 34 Arioso (Tenor) "Mein Herz, in dem die ganze Welt" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach1:00
15St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 35. Zerfließe mein Herze in Fluten der Zähren
soprano vocals:
Tamara Matthews (soprano)
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 35 Aria (Sopran) "Zerfließe, mein Herze" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach6:27
16St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 36. Die Jüden aber die weil es dar Rüsttag war
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 36 "Die Juden aber" (Evangelista) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach2:18
17St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 37. O Hilf Christe Gottes Sohn
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 37 Choral "O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn" (on 1996-03-31)
Michael Weiße (German theologian and hymn writer)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 50)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach0:55
18St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 38. Darnach bat Pilatum Joseph von Arimathia
tenor vocals [Evangelist]:
Mark Bleeke
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 38 "Darnach bat Pilatum" (Evangelista) (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach2:18
19St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 39. Ruht wohlihr heiligen Gebeine
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 39 Chorus "Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine" (on 1996-03-31)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach7:08
20St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Part 2, 40. Ach Herr, laß dein lieb Engelein
choir vocals:
Trinity Cathedral Choir
Trinity Cathedral Orchestra
Eric Milnes (harpsichordist, organist, conductor)
recorded at:
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, OR) in Portland, Oregon, United States
live recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil II. No. 40 Choral "Ach Herr, laß dein lieb Engelein" (on 1996-03-31)
Martin Schalling
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 154)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach1:53
21St. John Passion, BWV. 245: Applauses