
A 105-CD collection of Sir John Eliot Gardiner's recordings for Archiv Produktion and Deutsche Grammophon. It shipped with only 104 CDs, with CD 105 available on request from Deutsche Grammophon.

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CD 1: Bach: Christmas Oratorio (Parts I-III)
CD 2: Bach: Christmas Oratorio (Parts IV-VI)
CD 3: Bach: St. Matthew Passion (Parts I & II beg.)
CD 4: Bach: St. Matthew Passion (Part II cont.)
CD 5: Bach: St. John Passion (Parts I & II beg.)
CD 6: Bach: St. John Passion (Part II cont.)
CD 7: Bach: Mass in B minor (Kyrie - Gloria)
CD 8: Bach: Mass in B minor (Credo - Sanctus - Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei, Dona nobis pacem)
CD 9: Bach: Magnificat / Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, BWV 51
CD 10: Bach: “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland”, BWV 61 / “Schwingt freudig euch empor”, BWV 36 / “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland”, BWV 62
CD 11: Bach: “Christen, ätzet diesen Tag”, BWV 63 / “Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget”, BWV 64 / “Christum wir sollen loben schon”, BWV 121 / “Ich freue mich in dir”, BWV 133
CD 12: Bach: “Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan”, BWV 98 / “Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott”, BWV 139 / “Herr Gott, dich loben wir”, BWV 16
CD 13: Bach: “Alles nur nach Gottes Willen”, BWV 72 / “Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir”, BWV 73 / “Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit”, BWV 111 / “Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe”, BWV 156
CD 14: Bach: “Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde”, BWV 83 / “Ich habe genug”, BWV 82 / “Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin”, BWV 125 / “Bekennen will ich seinen Namen”, BWV 200
CD 15: Bach: “Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden”, BWV 6 / “Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen”, BWV 66
CD 16: Bach: “Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen”, BWV 43 / “Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein”, BWV 128 / “Wer da gläubet und getauft wird”, BWV 37 / “Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen”, BWV 11
CD 17: Bach: “Erschallet, ihr Lieder”, BWV 172 / “Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten”, BWV 59 / “Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten”, BWV 74 / “O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe” BWV 34
CD 18: Bach: “Was frag ich nach der Welt”, BWV 94 / “Tue Rechnung! Donnerwort”, BWV 168 / “Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht”, BWV 105
CD 19: Bach: “Siehe zu, dass deine Gottesfurcht nicht Heuchelei sei”, BWV 179 / “Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut”, BWV 199 / “Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut”, BWV 113
CD 20: Bach: “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme”, BWV 140 / “Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben”, BWV 147
CD 21: Bach: “Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit”, “Actus Tragicus” BWV 106 / “O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht”, BWV 118 / “Lass, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl”, BWV 198
CD 22: Beethoven: Symphonies nos. 1 & 2
CD 23: Beethoven: Symphonies nos. 3 “Eroica” & 4
CD 24: Beethoven: Symphonies nos. 5 & 6 “Pastoral”
1Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67: 1. Allegro con brio
recording engineer:
Mark Bücker (recording engineer), Stephan Flock and Hans-Rudolf Müller
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Arend Prohmann (producer / editor)
Stephan Flock and Rainer Hebborn
Alastair Mitchell (bassoonist) and Philip Turbett (bassoonist)
Ruth Alford, Lynden Cranham, Timothy Manson, Timothy Merton, Christopher Poffley and David Watkin (cellist)
Timothy Lines and Lesley Schatzberger (clarinetist)
David Chatterton
double bass:
Elizabeth Bradley (double bass), Andrew Durban, Mark Horn, Chi-Chi Nwanoku (double bass) and Paul Sherman (double bass)
Rachel Beckett (flute and recorder player) and Janet See
Raúl Díaz (horn player), Gavin Edwards (horn player) and Jonathan Peskett
Richard Earle (Oboist) and Anthony Robson (oboist)
Utako Ikeda
John Chimes (percussionist)
Tom Lees, Anthony Neal and Stephen Saunders (bass trombone / euphonium / tuba / sackbut)
Anthony Cross (trumpet player), Michael Harrison (British brass player) and Robert Vanryne
Lisa Cochrane (violist), Peter Collyer, Alan George (UK classical viola player), Kate Heller, Annette Isserlis (violist), Colin Kitching, Kenneth Mitchell and Rosemary Nalden
Sarah Bealby-Wright, Abigail Brown, Alison Bury (violinist), Adrian Butterfield (violinist), Elizabeth Edwards (violinist), Catherine Ford, Miranda Fulleylove (violinist), Jane Gillie, Jennifer Godson, Desmond Heath, Lucy Howard (violinist), Stephen Jones (Classical violinist), Peter Lissauer, Susie Mészáros, Roy Mowatt (violinist, musicologist, producer), Pamela Munks, Pauline Nobes (violinist), Stephen Rouse, Lucy Russell (violinist), Anne Schumann (violinist), Susan Kinnersley and Hildburg Williams
Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (in 1994-03)
Sir John Eliot Gardiner (in 1994-03)
balance engineer:
Ulrich Vette (engineer)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Deutsche Grammophon (in 1994)
recorded at:
Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain (in 1994-03)
live recording of:
Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67: I. Allegro con brio (in 1994-03)
Ludwig van Beethoven (German composer) (from 1804 until 1808)
part of:
Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67
Ludwig van Beethoven6:30
2Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67: 2. Andante con moto
recording engineer:
Mark Bücker (recording engineer), Stephan Flock and Hans-Rudolf Müller
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Arend Prohmann (producer / editor)
Stephan Flock and Rainer Hebborn
Alastair Mitchell (bassoonist) and Philip Turbett (bassoonist)
Ruth Alford, Lynden Cranham, Timothy Manson, Timothy Merton, Christopher Poffley and David Watkin (cellist)
Timothy Lines and Lesley Schatzberger (clarinetist)
David Chatterton
double bass:
Elizabeth Bradley (double bass), Andrew Durban, Mark Horn, Chi-Chi Nwanoku (double bass) and Paul Sherman (double bass)
Rachel Beckett (flute and recorder player) and Janet See
Raúl Díaz (horn player), Gavin Edwards (horn player) and Jonathan Peskett
Richard Earle (Oboist) and Anthony Robson (oboist)
Utako Ikeda
John Chimes (percussionist)
Tom Lees, Anthony Neal and Stephen Saunders (bass trombone / euphonium / tuba / sackbut)
Anthony Cross (trumpet player), Michael Harrison (British brass player) and Robert Vanryne
Lisa Cochrane (violist), Peter Collyer, Alan George (UK classical viola player), Kate Heller, Annette Isserlis (violist), Colin Kitching, Kenneth Mitchell and Rosemary Nalden
Sarah Bealby-Wright, Abigail Brown, Alison Bury (violinist), Adrian Butterfield (violinist), Elizabeth Edwards (violinist), Catherine Ford, Miranda Fulleylove (violinist), Jane Gillie, Jennifer Godson, Desmond Heath, Lucy Howard (violinist), Stephen Jones (Classical violinist), Peter Lissauer, Susie Mészáros, Roy Mowatt (violinist, musicologist, producer), Pamela Munks, Pauline Nobes (violinist), Stephen Rouse, Lucy Russell (violinist), Anne Schumann (violinist), Susan Kinnersley and Hildburg Williams
Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (in 1994-03)
Sir John Eliot Gardiner (in 1994-03)
balance engineer:
Ulrich Vette (engineer)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Deutsche Grammophon (in 1994)
recorded at:
Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain (in 1994-03)
live recording of:
Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67: II. Andante con moto (in 1994-03)
Ludwig van Beethoven (German composer) (from 1804 until 1808)
part of:
Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67
Ludwig van Beethoven8:15
3Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67: 3. Allegro - attacca
recording engineer:
Mark Bücker (recording engineer), Stephan Flock and Hans-Rudolf Müller
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Arend Prohmann (producer / editor)
Stephan Flock and Rainer Hebborn
Alastair Mitchell (bassoonist) and Philip Turbett (bassoonist)
Ruth Alford, Lynden Cranham, Timothy Manson, Timothy Merton, Christopher Poffley and David Watkin (cellist)
Timothy Lines and Lesley Schatzberger (clarinetist)
David Chatterton
double bass:
Elizabeth Bradley (double bass), Andrew Durban, Mark Horn, Chi-Chi Nwanoku (double bass) and Paul Sherman (double bass)
Rachel Beckett (flute and recorder player) and Janet See
Raúl Díaz (horn player), Gavin Edwards (horn player) and Jonathan Peskett
Richard Earle (Oboist) and Anthony Robson (oboist)
Utako Ikeda
John Chimes (percussionist)
Tom Lees, Anthony Neal and Stephen Saunders (bass trombone / euphonium / tuba / sackbut)
Anthony Cross (trumpet player), Michael Harrison (British brass player) and Robert Vanryne
Lisa Cochrane (violist), Peter Collyer, Alan George (UK classical viola player), Kate Heller, Annette Isserlis (violist), Colin Kitching, Kenneth Mitchell and Rosemary Nalden
Sarah Bealby-Wright, Abigail Brown, Alison Bury (violinist), Adrian Butterfield (violinist), Elizabeth Edwards (violinist), Catherine Ford, Miranda Fulleylove (violinist), Jane Gillie, Jennifer Godson, Desmond Heath, Lucy Howard (violinist), Stephen Jones (Classical violinist), Peter Lissauer, Susie Mészáros, Roy Mowatt (violinist, musicologist, producer), Pamela Munks, Pauline Nobes (violinist), Stephen Rouse, Lucy Russell (violinist), Anne Schumann (violinist), Susan Kinnersley and Hildburg Williams
Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (in 1994-03)
Sir John Eliot Gardiner (in 1994-03)
balance engineer:
Ulrich Vette (engineer)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Deutsche Grammophon (in 1994)
recorded at:
Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain (in 1994-03)
live recording of:
Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67: III. Scherzo. Allegro (in 1994-03)
Ludwig van Beethoven (German composer) (from 1804 until 1808)
part of:
Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67
Ludwig van Beethoven7:12
4Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67: 4. Allegro
recording engineer:
Mark Bücker (recording engineer), Stephan Flock and Hans-Rudolf Müller
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Arend Prohmann (producer / editor)
Stephan Flock and Rainer Hebborn
Alastair Mitchell (bassoonist) and Philip Turbett (bassoonist)
Ruth Alford, Lynden Cranham, Timothy Manson, Timothy Merton, Christopher Poffley and David Watkin (cellist)
Timothy Lines and Lesley Schatzberger (clarinetist)
David Chatterton
double bass:
Elizabeth Bradley (double bass), Andrew Durban, Mark Horn, Chi-Chi Nwanoku (double bass) and Paul Sherman (double bass)
Rachel Beckett (flute and recorder player) and Janet See
Raúl Díaz (horn player), Gavin Edwards (horn player) and Jonathan Peskett
Richard Earle (Oboist) and Anthony Robson (oboist)
Utako Ikeda
John Chimes (percussionist)
Tom Lees, Anthony Neal and Stephen Saunders (bass trombone / euphonium / tuba / sackbut)
Anthony Cross (trumpet player), Michael Harrison (British brass player) and Robert Vanryne
Lisa Cochrane (violist), Peter Collyer, Alan George (UK classical viola player), Kate Heller, Annette Isserlis (violist), Colin Kitching, Kenneth Mitchell and Rosemary Nalden
Sarah Bealby-Wright, Abigail Brown, Alison Bury (violinist), Adrian Butterfield (violinist), Elizabeth Edwards (violinist), Catherine Ford, Miranda Fulleylove (violinist), Jane Gillie, Jennifer Godson, Desmond Heath, Lucy Howard (violinist), Stephen Jones (Classical violinist), Peter Lissauer, Susie Mészáros, Roy Mowatt (violinist, musicologist, producer), Pamela Munks, Pauline Nobes (violinist), Stephen Rouse, Lucy Russell (violinist), Anne Schumann (violinist), Susan Kinnersley and Hildburg Williams
Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (in 1994-03)
Sir John Eliot Gardiner (in 1994-03)
balance engineer:
Ulrich Vette (engineer)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Deutsche Grammophon (in 1994)
recorded at:
Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain (in 1994-03)
live recording of:
Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67: IV. Allegro (in 1994-03)
Ludwig van Beethoven (German composer) (from 1804 until 1808)
part of:
Symphony no. 5 in C minor, op. 67
Ludwig van Beethoven9:58
5Symphony no. 6 in F major “Pastoral”, op. 68: 1. Erwachen heiterer Empfindungen bei der Ankunft auf dem Lande. Allegro ma non troppo
recording engineer:
Reinhard Lagemann
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider and Charlotte Kriesch
Arend Prohmann (producer / editor)
Mark Bücker (recording engineer) and Ingmar Haas (Engineer)
Alastair Mitchell (bassoonist) and Philip Turbett (bassoonist)
Ruth Alford, Lynden Cranham, Timothy Merton, Christopher Poffley, Helen Verney and David Watkin (cellist)
Timothy Lines and Lesley Schatzberger (clarinetist)
double bass:
Elizabeth Bradley (double bass), Cecelia Bruggenmeyer, Andrew Durban and Chi-Chi Nwanoku (double bass)
Rachel Beckett (flute and recorder player) and Janet See
Susan Dent (horn player), Gavin Edwards (horn player) and Roger Montgomery (horn player)
Rainer Hebborn
Richard Earle (Oboist) and Anthony Robson (oboist)
Utako Ikeda
John Chimes (percussionist)
Phillip Bainbridge and David Blackadder (trumpet player)
Lisa Cochrane (violist), Peter Collyer, Alan George (UK classical viola player), Kate Heller, Annette Isserlis (violist), Colin Kitching, Kenneth Mitchell and Rosemary Nalden
Sarah Bealby-Wright, Brian Brooks, Adrian Butterfield (violinist), Ruth Crouch (violinist), Catherine Ford, Roger Foxwell, Miranda Fulleylove (violinist), Jane Gillie, Jennifer Godson, Lucy Howard (violinist), Stephen Jones (Classical violinist), Peter Lissauer, Anna McDonald (violinist), Stephen Rouse, Stephen Rowlinson, Lucy Russell (violinist), Gregory Squire, Maurice Whitaker (Violinist), Elizabeth Wilcock (violinist), Hildburg Williams and Katharina Wolff
Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (in 1992-10)
Sir John Eliot Gardiner (in 1992-10)
balance engineer:
Ulrich Vette (engineer)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Deutsche Grammophon (in 1994)
recorded at:
All Saints’ Church (Tooting, London) in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (in 1992-10)
recording of:
Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 “Pastorale”: I. Allegro ma non troppo “Awakening of cheerful feelings upon arrival in the country” (in 1992-10)
Ludwig van Beethoven (German composer) (in 1808)
part of:
Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 “Pastorale”
Ludwig van Beethoven11:13
6Symphony no. 6 in F major “Pastoral”, op. 68: 2. Szene am Bach. Andante molto moto
recording engineer:
Reinhard Lagemann
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider and Charlotte Kriesch
Arend Prohmann (producer / editor)
Mark Bücker (recording engineer) and Ingmar Haas (Engineer)
Alastair Mitchell (bassoonist) and Philip Turbett (bassoonist)
Ruth Alford, Lynden Cranham, Timothy Merton, Christopher Poffley, Helen Verney and David Watkin (cellist)
Timothy Lines and Lesley Schatzberger (clarinetist)
double bass:
Elizabeth Bradley (double bass), Cecelia Bruggenmeyer, Andrew Durban and Chi-Chi Nwanoku (double bass)
Rachel Beckett (flute and recorder player) and Janet See
Susan Dent (horn player), Gavin Edwards (horn player) and Roger Montgomery (horn player)
Rainer Hebborn
Richard Earle (Oboist) and Anthony Robson (oboist)
Utako Ikeda
John Chimes (percussionist)
Phillip Bainbridge and David Blackadder (trumpet player)
Lisa Cochrane (violist), Peter Collyer, Alan George (UK classical viola player), Kate Heller, Annette Isserlis (violist), Colin Kitching, Kenneth Mitchell and Rosemary Nalden
Sarah Bealby-Wright, Brian Brooks, Adrian Butterfield (violinist), Ruth Crouch (violinist), Catherine Ford, Roger Foxwell, Miranda Fulleylove (violinist), Jane Gillie, Jennifer Godson, Lucy Howard (violinist), Stephen Jones (Classical violinist), Peter Lissauer, Anna McDonald (violinist), Stephen Rouse, Stephen Rowlinson, Lucy Russell (violinist), Gregory Squire, Maurice Whitaker (Violinist), Elizabeth Wilcock (violinist), Hildburg Williams and Katharina Wolff
Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (in 1992-10)
Sir John Eliot Gardiner (in 1992-10)
balance engineer:
Ulrich Vette (engineer)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Deutsche Grammophon (in 1994)
recorded at:
All Saints’ Church (Tooting, London) in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (in 1992-10)
recording of:
Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 “Pastorale”: II. Andante molto mosso “Scene at the brook” (in 1992-10)
Ludwig van Beethoven (German composer) (in 1808)
part of:
Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 “Pastorale”
Ludwig van Beethoven12:00
7Symphony no. 6 in F major “Pastoral”, op. 68: 3. Lustiges Zusammensein der Landleute. Allegro - attacca
recording engineer:
Reinhard Lagemann
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider and Charlotte Kriesch
Arend Prohmann (producer / editor)
Mark Bücker (recording engineer) and Ingmar Haas (Engineer)
Alastair Mitchell (bassoonist) and Philip Turbett (bassoonist)
Ruth Alford, Lynden Cranham, Timothy Merton, Christopher Poffley, Helen Verney and David Watkin (cellist)
Timothy Lines and Lesley Schatzberger (clarinetist)
double bass:
Elizabeth Bradley (double bass), Cecelia Bruggenmeyer, Andrew Durban and Chi-Chi Nwanoku (double bass)
Rachel Beckett (flute and recorder player) and Janet See
Susan Dent (horn player), Gavin Edwards (horn player) and Roger Montgomery (horn player)
Rainer Hebborn
Richard Earle (Oboist) and Anthony Robson (oboist)
Utako Ikeda
John Chimes (percussionist)
Phillip Bainbridge and David Blackadder (trumpet player)
Lisa Cochrane (violist), Peter Collyer, Alan George (UK classical viola player), Kate Heller, Annette Isserlis (violist), Colin Kitching, Kenneth Mitchell and Rosemary Nalden
Sarah Bealby-Wright, Brian Brooks, Adrian Butterfield (violinist), Ruth Crouch (violinist), Catherine Ford, Roger Foxwell, Miranda Fulleylove (violinist), Jane Gillie, Jennifer Godson, Lucy Howard (violinist), Stephen Jones (Classical violinist), Peter Lissauer, Anna McDonald (violinist), Stephen Rouse, Stephen Rowlinson, Lucy Russell (violinist), Gregory Squire, Maurice Whitaker (Violinist), Elizabeth Wilcock (violinist), Hildburg Williams and Katharina Wolff
Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (in 1992-10)
Sir John Eliot Gardiner (in 1992-10)
balance engineer:
Ulrich Vette (engineer)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Deutsche Grammophon (in 1994)
recorded at:
All Saints’ Church (Tooting, London) in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (in 1992-10)
recording of:
Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 “Pastorale”: III. Allegro “Happy gathering of country folk” (in 1992-10)
Ludwig van Beethoven (German composer) (in 1808)
part of:
Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 “Pastorale”
Ludwig van Beethoven4:49
8Symphony no. 6 in F major “Pastoral”, op. 68: 4. Gewitter, Sturm. Allegro - attacca
recording engineer:
Reinhard Lagemann
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider and Charlotte Kriesch
Arend Prohmann (producer / editor)
Mark Bücker (recording engineer) and Ingmar Haas (Engineer)
Alastair Mitchell (bassoonist) and Philip Turbett (bassoonist)
Ruth Alford, Lynden Cranham, Timothy Merton, Christopher Poffley, Helen Verney and David Watkin (cellist)
Timothy Lines and Lesley Schatzberger (clarinetist)
double bass:
Elizabeth Bradley (double bass), Cecelia Bruggenmeyer, Andrew Durban and Chi-Chi Nwanoku (double bass)
Rachel Beckett (flute and recorder player) and Janet See
Susan Dent (horn player), Gavin Edwards (horn player) and Roger Montgomery (horn player)
Rainer Hebborn
Richard Earle (Oboist) and Anthony Robson (oboist)
Utako Ikeda
John Chimes (percussionist)
Phillip Bainbridge and David Blackadder (trumpet player)
Lisa Cochrane (violist), Peter Collyer, Alan George (UK classical viola player), Kate Heller, Annette Isserlis (violist), Colin Kitching, Kenneth Mitchell and Rosemary Nalden
Sarah Bealby-Wright, Brian Brooks, Adrian Butterfield (violinist), Ruth Crouch (violinist), Catherine Ford, Roger Foxwell, Miranda Fulleylove (violinist), Jane Gillie, Jennifer Godson, Lucy Howard (violinist), Stephen Jones (Classical violinist), Peter Lissauer, Anna McDonald (violinist), Stephen Rouse, Stephen Rowlinson, Lucy Russell (violinist), Gregory Squire, Maurice Whitaker (Violinist), Elizabeth Wilcock (violinist), Hildburg Williams and Katharina Wolff
Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (in 1992-10)
Sir John Eliot Gardiner (in 1992-10)
balance engineer:
Ulrich Vette (engineer)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Deutsche Grammophon (in 1994)
recorded at:
All Saints’ Church (Tooting, London) in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (in 1992-10)
recording of:
Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 “Pastorale”: IV. Allegro “Thunderstorm” (in 1992-10)
Ludwig van Beethoven (German composer) (in 1808)
part of:
Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 “Pastorale”
Ludwig van Beethoven3:39
9Symphony no. 6 in F major “Pastoral”, op. 68: 5. Hirtengesang. Frohe und dankbare Gefühle nach dem Sturm. Allegretto
recording engineer:
Reinhard Lagemann
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider and Charlotte Kriesch
Arend Prohmann (producer / editor)
Mark Bücker (recording engineer) and Ingmar Haas (Engineer)
Alastair Mitchell (bassoonist) and Philip Turbett (bassoonist)
Ruth Alford, Lynden Cranham, Timothy Merton, Christopher Poffley, Helen Verney and David Watkin (cellist)
Timothy Lines and Lesley Schatzberger (clarinetist)
double bass:
Elizabeth Bradley (double bass), Cecelia Bruggenmeyer, Andrew Durban and Chi-Chi Nwanoku (double bass)
Rachel Beckett (flute and recorder player) and Janet See
Susan Dent (horn player), Gavin Edwards (horn player) and Roger Montgomery (horn player)
Rainer Hebborn
Richard Earle (Oboist) and Anthony Robson (oboist)
Utako Ikeda
John Chimes (percussionist)
Phillip Bainbridge and David Blackadder (trumpet player)
Lisa Cochrane (violist), Peter Collyer, Alan George (UK classical viola player), Kate Heller, Annette Isserlis (violist), Colin Kitching, Kenneth Mitchell and Rosemary Nalden
Sarah Bealby-Wright, Brian Brooks, Adrian Butterfield (violinist), Ruth Crouch (violinist), Catherine Ford, Roger Foxwell, Miranda Fulleylove (violinist), Jane Gillie, Jennifer Godson, Lucy Howard (violinist), Stephen Jones (Classical violinist), Peter Lissauer, Anna McDonald (violinist), Stephen Rouse, Stephen Rowlinson, Lucy Russell (violinist), Gregory Squire, Maurice Whitaker (Violinist), Elizabeth Wilcock (violinist), Hildburg Williams and Katharina Wolff
Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (in 1992-10)
Sir John Eliot Gardiner (in 1992-10)
balance engineer:
Ulrich Vette (engineer)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Deutsche Grammophon (in 1994)
recorded at:
All Saints’ Church (Tooting, London) in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (in 1992-10)
recording of:
Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 “Pastorale”: V. Allegretto “Shepherds’ song: Cheerful and thankful feelings after the storm” (in 1992-10)
Ludwig van Beethoven (German composer) (in 1808)
part of:
Symphony no. 6 in F major, op. 68 “Pastorale”
Ludwig van Beethoven9:16
CD 25: Beethoven: Symphonies nos. 7 & 8
CD 26: Beethoven: Symphony no. 9 “Choral”
CD 27: Beethoven: Piano Concertos nos. 1 & 2 / Rondo for Piano and Orchestra in B-flat major
CD 28: Beethoven: Piano Concertos nos. 3 & 4
CD 29: Beethoven: Piano Concerto no. 5 / Fantasy for Piano, Chorus and Orchestra “Choral Fantasy”, op. 80
CD 30: Beethoven: Piano Concerto no. 4 (chamber version) / Symphony no. 2 (chamber version)
CD 31: Beethoven: Violin Concerto
CD 32: Beethoven: Missa solemnis
CD 33: Beethoven: Concert Aria “Ah! Perfido” / Meeres Stille und Glückliche Fahrt / Mass in C major
CD 34: Beethoven: Leonore oder Der Triumph der ehelichen Liebe (Acts I & II beg.)
CD 35: Beethoven: Leonore oder Der Triumph der ehelichen Liebe (Acts II cont. & III)
CD 36: Interviews with John Eliot Gardiner
CD 37: Britten: War Requiem
CD 38: Britten: Spring Symphony / Hymn to St. Cecilia / Five Flower Songs
CD 39: Bruckner: Mass no. 1 / 5 Motets
CD 40: Schütz: O bone Jesu, fili Mariae / Buxtehude: Membra Jesu Nostri
CD 41: Chabrier: Suite pastorale / Habanera / España / Larghetto for Horn and Orchestra / Overture to Gwendoline / Prélude pastoral / Marche française / Fête polonaise
CD 42: Dvořák: Symphonic Variations on an Original Theme / Czech Suite / Brahms: 9 Hungarian Dances
CD 43: Elgar: In the South (Alassio) / Introduction and Allegro / Sospiri / Enigma Variations
CD 44: Handel: Acis and Galatea (Act I)
CD 45: Handel: Acis and Galatea (Act II)
CD 46: Handel: Hercules (Acts I & II beg.)
CD 47: Handel: Hercules (Acts II cont. & III)
CD 48: Haydn: The Creation (Parts I & II beg.)
CD 49: Haydn: The Creation (Parts II cont. & III)
CD 50: Haydn: The Seasons (Spring - Summer)
CD 51: Haydn: The Seasons (Autumn - Winter)
CD 52: Grainger: The Warriors / Holst: The Planets
CD 53: Lehár: Die lustige Witwe
CD 54: Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen / 5 Rückert Lieder / Zemlinsky: 6 Maeterlinck Lieder
CD 55: Mendelssohn: Symphony no. 4 “Italian” (original & revised versions) / Symphony no. 5 “Reformation”
CD 56: Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine nos. 1-10
CD 57: Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine nos. 11-13
CD 58: Monteverdi: L'Orfeo (Prologue - Acts I & II)
CD 59: Monteverdi: L'Orfeo (Acts III-V)
CD 60: Monteverdi: L'incoronazione di Poppea (Prologue & Act I beg.)
CD 61: Monteverdi: L'incoronazione di Poppea (Acts I cont. & II)
CD 62: Monteverdi: L'incoronazione di Poppea (Act III)
CD 63: Mozart: Piano Concertos nos. 5 & 6 / Concerto for 3 Pianos and Orchestra no. 7 “Lodron” / Rondo, K. 382
CD 64: Mozart: Piano Concertos nos. 8 “Lützow” & 9 “Jeunehomme” / Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra no. 10
CD 65: Mozart: Piano Concertos nos. 11, 12 & 13
CD 66: Mozart: Piano Concertos nos. 14, 15 & 18
CD 67: Mozart: Piano Concertos nos. 16, 19 “Second Coronation Concerto” & 21
CD 68: Mozart: Piano Concertos nos. 17 & 20 / Rondo, K. 386
CD 69: Mozart: Piano Concertos nos. 22 & 23
CD 70: Mozart: Piano Concertos nos. 24 & 25
CD 71: Mozart: Piano Concertos nos. 26 “Coronation” & 27
CD 72: Mozart: Idomeneo (Acts I & II beg.)
CD 73: Mozart: Idomeneo (Acts II cont. & III beg.)
CD 74: Mozart: Idomeneo (Act III cont.)
CD 75: Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail (Acts I & II beg.)
CD 76: Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail (Acts II cont. & III)
CD 77: Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro (Acts I & II beg.)
CD 78: Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro (Acts II cont. & III)
CD 79: Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro (Act IV)
CD 80: Mozart: Don Giovanni (Act I beg.)
CD 81: Mozart: Don Giovanni (Acts I cont. & II beg.)
CD 82: Mozart: Don Giovanni (Act II cont.)
CD 83: Mozart: Così fan tutte (Act I beg.)
CD 84: Mozart: Così fan tutte (Acts I cont. & II beg.)
CD 85: Mozart: Così fan tutte (Act II cont.)
CD 86: Mozart: La clemenza di Tito (Act I)
CD 87: Mozart: La clemenza di Tito (Act II)
CD 88: Mozart: Die Zauberflöte (Acts I & II beg.)
CD 89: Mozart: Die Zauberflöte (Act II cont.)
CD 90: Purcell: The Fairy Queen (Acts I-III)
CD 91: Purcell: The Fairy Queen (Acts IV & V)
CD 92: Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances / Janáček: Taras Bulba
CD 93: Schubert: Gesang der Geister über den Wassern / Symphony no. 9 “Great”
CD 94: Schütz: 4 Motets and Songs / Musikalische Exequien
CD 95: Schumann: Symphony in G minor “Zwickau Symphony” / Symphony no. 1 “Spring” / Overture, Scherzo and Finale, op. 52
CD 96: Schumann: Symphonies nos. 4 (original version) & 2
CD 97: Schumann: Konzertstück for 4 Horns and Orchestra, op. 86 / Symphonies nos. 3 “Rhenish” & 4 (revised version 1851)
CD 98: Schumann: Requiem für Mignon / Nachtlied / Das Paradies und die Peri (Part I)
CD 99: Schumann: Das Paradies und die Peri (Parts II & III)
CD 100: Boulanger: Psalms 24 & 129 / Vieille Prière bouddhique / Du fond de l'abîme (Psalm 130) / Stravinsky: Symphony of Psalms
CD 101: Stravinsky: The Rake's Progress (Acts I & II beg.)
CD 102: Stravinsky: The Rake's Progress (Acts II cont. & III)
CD 103: Weill: Die sieben Todsünden / Songs from Lady in the Dark, Happy End, One Touch of Venus / Songs with Piano
CD 104: Vienna Soirée: Suppé, Ziehrer, Lehár, Lanner, Heuberger
CD 105: Mozart: Thamos, König in Ägypten



photography:Clive Barda (photographer)
Sheila Rock (UK photographer)
miscellaneous support:Andreas Fischer (product manager at Deutsche Grammophon) (task: product manager)
Lars Hoffman (creative production manager) (task: creative production manager)
Alan Newcombe (Producer, coordinator, researcher, and liner notes translator) (task: compilation)
design:Mareike Walter (designer)
booklet editor:Annette Nubbemeyer
Discogs: [info]
discography entry: [info]