Database Statistics

Last updated: 2023-12-02


This type onlyIncluding subtypes
Area-Area relationships:119,019 0.3%
has part119,019 119,019 100.0%
Area-Artist relationships:0 0.0%
Area-Event relationships:5,369 0.0%
{entity1} was held in {entity0}5,369 5,369 100.0%
Area-Genre relationships:1,019 0.0%
{entity1} is a genre from {entity0}1,019 1,019 100.0%
Area-Instrument relationships:585 0.0%
{entity1} is an instrument from {entity0}585 585 100.0%
Area-Label relationships:0 0.0%
Area-Place relationships:0 0.0%
Area-Recording relationships:135,385 0.3%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} engineered in {entity0}1,618 130,944 96.7%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} edited in {entity0}566 566 0.4%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} mixed in {entity0}2,858 2,858 2.2%
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{entity1} was {additional:additionally} remixed in {entity0}86 86 0.1%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} produced in {entity0}1,909 1,909 1.4%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} shot in {entity0}1,144 1,144 0.8%
{entity1} was arranged in {entity0}1,388 1,388 1.0%
Area-Release relationships:35,943 0.1%
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{entity1} was {additional:additionally} {pre:pre-}{re}mastered in {entity0}349 353 15.4%
{entity1}'s lacquer was cut in {entity0}4 4 1.1%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} edited in {entity0}50 50 2.2%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} mixed in {entity0}206 206 9.0%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} recorded in {entity0}1,568 1,568 68.4%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} remixed in {entity0}1 1 0.0%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} transferred at {entity0}13 13 0.6%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} produced in {entity0}277 277 0.8%
{entity1} was arranged in {entity0}19 19 0.1%
{entity1} was manufactured in {entity0}24,265 24,265 67.5%
{entity1} was printed in {entity0}9,088 9,088 25.3%
Area-Release Group
Area-Release Group relationships:0 0.0%
Area-Series relationships:292 0.0%
{entity1} was held at {entity0}292 292 100.0%
Area-URL relationships:379,217 0.9%
is a page in a database for11 379,217 100.0%
has a Geonames page at147,926 147,926 39.0%
has a Wikidata page at118,948 118,948 31.4%
has a Wikipedia page at112,332 112,332 29.6%
Area-Work relationships:5,790 0.0%
{entity1} is dedicated to {entity0}104 104 1.8%
{entity1} is/was an anthem of {entity0}347 347 6.0%
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{entity1} was {additional:additionally} arranged in {entity0}50 50 1.4%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} composed in {entity0}2,192 2,192 59.5%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} translated in {entity0}6 6 0.2%
{entity1} was revised in {entity0}21 21 0.6%
The libretto for {entity1} was {additional:additionally} written in {entity0}1 1 0.0%
The lyrics for {entity1} were {additional:additionally} written in {entity0}354 354 9.6%
{entity1} was premiered in {entity0}1,655 1,655 28.6%
Artist-Artist relationships:644,258 1.5%
musical relationship0 609,718 94.6%
collaborated {minor:minorly} {additional:additionally} on7,064 7,064 1.2%
founded4,813 4,813 0.8%
is a tribute to1,401 1,401 0.2%
is/was {additional:an|a} {additional} {original} {eponymous} member of486,373 486,373 79.8%
is/was {assistant:an|a} {assistant} {principal} {guest} conductor {emeritus} for6,064 6,064 1.0%
is/was a subgroup of2,660 2,660 0.4%
is/was a supporting artist for1,926 7,377 1.2%
does/did {instrument} support for4,375 4,375 59.3%
does/did {vocal:%|vocals} support for1,076 1,076 14.6%
is/was artistic director for802 802 0.1%
performed the voice of8,507 8,507 1.4%
performs as59,955 59,955 9.8%
taught23,844 23,844 3.9%
was a composer-in-residence at160 160 0.0%
was renamed into698 698 0.1%
personal relationship0 34,540 5.4%
has {half:half-}{step}sibling12,246 12,246 35.5%
is named after479 479 1.4%
is the {step}parent of12,536 12,536 36.3%
is/was married to7,874 7,874 22.8%
is/was romantically involved with1,405 1,405 4.1%
Artist-Event relationships:197,702 0.5%
guest performer at6,022 6,022 3.0%
host at2,325 2,325 1.2%
non-performing relationships0 175 0.1%
had tribute event162 162 92.6%
was an engineer at13 13 7.4%
taught at58 58 0.0%
was a conductor at1,639 1,639 0.8%
was a main performer at161,812 161,812 81.8%
was a support act at23,916 23,916 12.1%
was a supporting DJ at321 321 0.2%
was a VJ at11 11 0.0%
was an orchestra at1,423 1,423 0.7%
Artist-Genre relationships:0 0.0%
Artist-Instrument relationships:91 0.0%
invented91 91 100.0%
Artist-Label relationships:47,971 0.1%
contract0 20,163 42.0%
had a creative position at1,824 1,824 9.0%
had a producer position at1,958 1,958 9.7%
had a recording contract with15,820 15,820 78.5%
had an artists and repertoire position at223 223 1.1%
had an engineer position at338 338 1.7%
ownership0 27,808 58.0%
founded17,519 17,519 63.0%
has personal label4,062 4,062 14.6%
has personal publisher4,197 4,197 15.1%
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Artist-Place relationships:36,503 0.1%
{entity1} is named after {entity0}278 278 0.8%
{entity1} is/was the primary concert venue of {entity0}629 629 1.7%
founded2,856 2,856 7.8%
is connected to the educational institution0 24,018 65.8%
is associated with456 456 1.9%
studied at18,000 18,000 74.9%
taught at5,495 5,495 22.9%
was a school director at67 67 0.3%
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residence position0 1,337 3.7%
was {assistant} carillonneur at7 7 0.5%
was {assistant} organist at852 852 63.7%
was a composer-in-residence at478 478 35.8%
works as an engineer at4,714 6,251 17.1%
works as a mastering engineer at951 951 15.2%
works as a mixing engineer at215 215 3.4%
works as a recording engineer at371 371 5.9%
Artist-Recording relationships:14,346,744 33.7%
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{additional:additionally} orchestrated42,490 42,490 57.1%
{additional:additionally} {associate} {co:co-}arranged {vocal:%|vocals} on9,930 9,930 2.0%
performance0 9,125,553 63.6%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} conducted814,547 814,547 8.9%
{additional:additionally} {guest} {solo} performed260,175 7,605,179 83.3%
performed {additional} {guest} {solo} {instrument:%|instruments} on5,276,686 5,276,686 69.4%
performed {additional} {guest} {solo} {vocal:%|vocals} on2,068,318 2,068,318 27.2%
orchestra {additional:additionally} performed663,991 663,991 7.3%
performed {additional} {assistant} chorus master on27,275 27,275 0.3%
was {assistant} audio director for219 219 0.0%
was the {guest} concertmaster for14,342 14,342 0.2%
production0 4,429,429 30.9%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}{executive:executive }engineered679,244 2,588,403 58.4%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}audio engineered12,553 12,553 0.5%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}balance engineered94,412 94,412 3.6%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}edited245,068 245,068 9.5%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}mastered2,301 2,301 0.1%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}mixed689,794 689,794 26.6%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}sound engineered88,352 88,352 3.4%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} programmed {instrument:% on}81,776 81,776 3.2%
was {additional} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}recording engineer for693,572 694,903 26.8%
recorded field recordings for1,331 1,331 0.2%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}{executive:executive }produced1,764,444 1,764,444 39.8%
has a miscellaneous role on14,880 76,582 1.7%
{entity1} has {additional} photography by {entity0}28 28 0.0%
holds phonographic copyright (℗) for36,276 36,276 47.4%
provided {additional} art direction on3,405 3,405 4.4%
provided {additional} creative direction on3,008 3,008 3.9%
provided {additional} design/illustration on428 428 0.6%
provided artist & repertoire support for1,839 1,839 2.4%
provided booking for113 113 0.1%
provided legal representation for105 105 0.1%
published14 14 0.0%
was the {instrument:%|instruments} technician for16,486 16,486 21.5%
remixes and compilations0 272,041 1.9%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} remixed204,748 204,748 75.3%
{entity1} contains {additional} samples by {entity0}2,296 2,296 0.8%
compiled1,563 1,563 0.6%
DJ-mixed63,434 63,434 23.3%
video0 24,417 0.2%
appears on video13,184 13,184 54.0%
was {assistant} video director for11,233 11,233 46.0%
Artist-Release relationships:1,126,315 2.6%
composition0 51,957 4.6%
{additional:additionally} {associate} {co:co-}arranged9,011 15,661 30.1%
{additional:additionally} {associate} {co:co-}arranged {instrument:%|instruments} on3,946 6,057 38.7%
{additional:additionally} orchestrated2,111 2,111 34.9%
{additional:additionally} {associate} {co:co-}arranged {vocal:%|vocals} on593 593 3.8%
{additional:additionally} wrote12,343 36,296 69.9%
{additional:additionally} composed17,063 17,063 47.0%
{additional:additionally} translated359 359 1.0%
{additional:additionally} wrote the libretto for89 89 0.2%
{additional:additionally} wrote the lyrics for6,442 6,442 17.7%
performance0 403,168 35.8%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} conducted4,267 4,267 1.1%
{additional:additionally} {guest} {solo} performed13,097 395,434 98.1%
performed {additional} {guest} {solo} {instrument:%|instruments} on288,309 288,309 72.9%
performed {additional} {guest} {solo} {vocal:%|vocals} on94,028 94,028 23.8%
orchestra {additional:additionally} performed2,312 2,312 0.6%
performed {additional} {assistant} chorus master on551 551 0.1%
was {assistant} audio director for90 90 0.0%
was the {guest} concertmaster for514 514 0.1%
production0 645,177 57.3%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}{executive:executive }engineered41,032 209,719 32.5%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}{pre:pre-}{re}mastered97,516 98,721 47.1%
cut the lacquer for1,205 1,205 1.2%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}audio engineered868 868 0.4%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}balance engineered183 183 0.1%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}edited4,781 4,781 2.3%
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{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}sound engineered2,244 2,244 1.1%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}transferred50 50 0.0%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} programmed {instrument:% on}6,455 6,455 3.1%
was {additional} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}recording engineer for25,882 25,939 12.4%
recorded field recordings for57 57 0.2%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}{executive:executive }produced119,067 119,067 18.5%
has a miscellaneous role on12,668 316,391 49.0%
{entity1} has {additional} photography by {entity0}79,374 79,374 25.1%
{sub:sub-}published411 411 0.1%
{translator:translated|wrote} {additional} liner notes for46,441 46,441 14.7%
edited the booklet of2,815 2,815 0.9%
holds copyright (©) for13,396 13,396 4.2%
holds phonographic copyright (℗) for11,402 11,402 3.6%
licensed245 245 0.1%
provided {additional} {assistant} art direction on24,564 24,564 7.8%
provided {additional} artwork on14,637 121,840 38.5%
provided {additional} {assistant} design on37,665 62,369 51.2%
provided {additional} graphic design on24,704 24,704 39.6%
provided {additional} design/illustration on25,567 25,567 21.0%
provided {additional} illustration on19,267 19,267 15.8%
provided {additional} legal representation for1,545 1,545 0.5%
provided booking for1,247 1,247 0.4%
was the {instrument:%|instruments} technician for443 443 0.1%
remixes and compilations0 26,006 2.3%
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{entity1} contains {additional} samples by {entity0}156 156 0.6%
compiled9,332 9,332 35.9%
DJ-mixed {medium:% of}14,450 14,450 55.6%
video0 7 0.0%
was {assistant} video director for7 7 100.0%
Artist-Release Group
Artist-Release Group relationships:12,309 0.0%
{entity1} is a tribute to {entity0}6,087 6,087 49.5%
{entity1} is dedicated to {entity0}987 987 8.0%
is named after55 55 0.4%
provided {additional} creative direction on1,081 1,081 8.8%
provided artist & repertoire support for4,099 4,099 33.3%
Artist-Series relationships:36,930 0.1%
{entity1} is named after {entity0}123 123 0.3%
event artists0 1,787 4.8%
{entity1} is a residency by {entity0}61 61 3.4%
{entity1} is a tour by {entity0}1,726 1,726 96.6%
founded76 76 0.2%
is a part of34,206 34,206 92.6%
work cataloguing0 738 2.0%
{entity1} catalogues the work of {entity0}553 553 74.9%
catalogued185 185 25.1%
Artist-URL relationships:4,426,589 10.4%
discography0 120,210 2.7%
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get the music0 704,683 15.9%
can be streamed at90,667 90,667 12.9%
has Apple Music page at11 11 0.0%
has Bandcamp page at132,249 132,249 18.8%
has CD Baby page at3,115 3,115 0.4%
has YouTube Music channel at5,178 5,178 0.7%
music can be downloaded for free at6,079 6,079 0.9%
music can be purchased for download at129,602 129,602 18.4%
music can be purchased for mail-order at7,274 7,274 1.0%
music can be streamed for free at330,508 330,508 46.9%
has a page in a database at472,786 2,302,309 52.0%
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has a BookBrainz page at413 413 0.0%
has a CPDL page at263 263 0.0%
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has a Wikipedia page at54,052 54,052 2.3%
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online data0 1,006,136 22.7%
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has a ticketing page at46 46 0.0%
has an art gallery at204 204 0.0%
has an online community page at5,387 5,387 0.5%
Artist-Work relationships:3,227,108 7.6%
composition0 3,216,389 99.7%
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{additional:additionally} orchestrated21,960 21,960 84.0%
{additional:additionally} {associate} {co:co-}arranged {vocal:%|vocals} on822 822 1.0%
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{additional:additionally} translated21,867 21,867 0.7%
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{additional:additionally} wrote the lyrics for691,100 691,100 22.1%
reconstructed562 562 0.0%
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{entity1} was previously attributed to {entity0}1,391 1,391 0.0%
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{entity1} is dedicated to {entity0}5,022 5,022 46.9%
{entity1} was premiered by {entity0}999 999 9.3%
{sub:sub-}published2,741 2,741 25.6%
commissioned1,195 1,195 11.1%
is named after118 118 1.1%
Event-Event relationships:15,844 0.0%
has parts15,020 15,020 94.8%
was rescheduled as824 824 5.2%
Event-Genre relationships:0 0.0%
Event-Instrument relationships:0 0.0%
Event-Label relationships:100 0.0%
{entity1} presented {entity0}100 100 100.0%
Event-Place relationships:65,459 0.2%
was held at65,459 65,459 100.0%
Event-Recording relationships:121,174 0.3%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} shot at {entity0}11,410 11,410 9.4%
{entity1} was recorded at {entity0}109,764 109,764 90.6%
Event-Release relationships:12,959 0.0%
{entity1} was available at {entity0}6,087 6,087 47.0%
{entity1} was recorded at {entity0}6,781 6,781 52.3%
was a launch event for91 91 0.7%
Event-Release Group
Event-Release Group relationships:553 0.0%
was a launch event for225 225 40.7%
was a performance of328 328 59.3%
Event-Series relationships:40,294 0.1%
is a part of40,294 40,294 100.0%
Event-URL relationships:55,668 0.1%
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has an official YouTube channel at144 144 61.5%
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Event-Work relationships:2,028 0.0%
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Genre-Genre relationships:2,954 0.0%
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Genre-Instrument relationships:227 0.0%
{entity1} is commonly used in {entity0}227 227 100.0%
Genre-Label relationships:0 0.0%
Genre-Place relationships:0 0.0%
Genre-Recording relationships:0 0.0%
Genre-Release relationships:0 0.0%
Genre-Release Group
Genre-Release Group relationships:0 0.0%
Genre-Series relationships:0 0.0%
Genre-URL relationships:3,856 0.0%
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Genre-Work relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-Instrument relationships:1,317 0.0%
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{entity1} invented {entity0}5 5 100.0%
Instrument-Place relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-Recording relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-Release relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-Release Group
Instrument-Release Group relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-Series relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-URL relationships:1,531 0.0%
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information page65 65 4.2%
Instrument-Work relationships:0 0.0%
Label-Label relationships:26,732 0.1%
business association0 26,732 100.0%
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owns469 469 100.0%
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{entity1} was remixed for {entity0}81 81 0.6%
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Label-Release relationships:362,043 0.9%
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{entity1} was {co:co-}{executive:executive }produced for {entity0}1,429 1,429 59.5%
{entity1} was arranged for {entity0}13 13 0.5%
{entity1} was manufactured for {entity0}921 921 38.3%
{entity1} was mastered for {entity0}6 6 0.2%
{entity1} was mixed for {entity0}33 33 1.4%
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provided {additional} graphic design on11 11 22.0%
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{entity1} was licensed to {entity0}14,988 14,988 4.5%
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Label-Release Group
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Place-Release Group
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Recording-Release Group
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Release Group-Release Group
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Release Group-Series
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Release Group-Work
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Release-Release Group
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