The Complete Warner Symphonic Recordings

~ Release by Riccardo Muti (see all versions of this release, 4 available)


A 91-CD collection of Riccardo Muti's orchestral, choral, and vocal works for Warner Classics between 1973 and 2007.

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CD 1: Cherubini: Requiem in D minor
CD 2: Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 1 “Winter Daydreams”
CD 3: Mendelssohn: Symphony no. 3 “Scottish” / Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt
CD 4: Verdi: Overtures from Nabucco, Giovanna d'Arco, La battaglia di Legnano, Luisa Miller, I vespri siciliani, La forza del destino
CD 5: Mozart: Symphonies nos. 25 & 29
CD 6: Dvořák: Symphony no. 9 “From the New World”
CD 7: Mendelssohn: Symphony no. 4 “Italian” / Schumann: Symphony no. 4
CD 8: Vivaldi: Magnificat in G minor, RV 611 / Gloria in D major, RV 589
CD 9: Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet / Symphony no. 2 “Little Russian”
CD 10: Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 3 in D major “Polish”
CD 11: Prokofiev: Ivan the Terrible (beginning)
CD 12: Prokofiev: Ivan the Terrible (conclusion) / Sinfonietta
CD 13: Beethoven: Piano Concerto no. 3 / Andante favori
CD 14: Schumann: Symphony no. 2 / Hermann und Dorothea, Overture
CD 15: Mussorgsky: Tableaux d'une exposition / Stravinsky: L'Oiseau de feu, Ballet Suite
CD 16: Beethoven: Symphony no. 7
CD 17: Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 5
CD 18: Rossini: Overtures from La scala di seta, Il barbiere di Siviglia, Semiramide, Il viaggio a Reims, L'assedio di Corinto, Guillaume Tell
1La scala di seta: Overture
John Mordler (producer)
Philharmonia Orchestra (London orchestra, known as New Philharmonia Orchestra from 1964-1976) (from 1978-07-08 until 1978-07-10, on 1979-04-06)
Riccardo Muti (conductor) (from 1978-07-08 until 1978-07-10, on 1979-04-06)
balance engineer:
Neville Boyling (engineer)
recorded at:
Kingsway Hall in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (from 1978-07-08 until 1978-07-10) and Abbey Road Studios: Studio 1 in St John's Wood, Westminster, London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (on 1979-04-06)
recording of:
La scala di seta: Sinfonia (from 1978-07-08 until 1978-07-10)
Gioachino Rossini (composer)
Giuseppe Maria Foppa
part of:
La scala di seta
Gioachino Rossini5:51
2Il barbiere di Siviglia: Overture
John Mordler (producer)
Philharmonia Orchestra (London orchestra, known as New Philharmonia Orchestra from 1964-1976) (from 1980-07-16 until 1980-07-18)
Riccardo Muti (conductor) (from 1980-07-16 until 1980-07-18)
balance engineer:
Neville Boyling (engineer)
recorded at:
Abbey Road Studios: Studio 1 in St John's Wood, Westminster, London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (from 1980-07-16 until 1980-07-18)
recording of:
Il barbiere di Siviglia: Sinfonia (from 1980-07-16 until 1980-07-18)
Gioachino Rossini (composer)
Cesare Sterbini
part of:
Der Barbier von Sevilla (german lyrics)
part of:
Il barbiere di Siviglia
part of:
Le Barbier de Séville (french lyrics)
part of:
The Barber of Seville (english lyrics)
Gioachino Rossini7:00
3Semiramide: Overture
John Mordler (producer)
Philharmonia Orchestra (London orchestra, known as New Philharmonia Orchestra from 1964-1976) (on 1978-07-09)
Riccardo Muti (conductor) (on 1978-07-09)
balance engineer:
Neville Boyling (engineer)
recorded at:
Kingsway Hall in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (on 1978-07-09)
recording of:
Semiramide: Sinfonia (Overture) (on 1978-07-09)
Gioachino Rossini (composer)
Gaetano Rossi (librettist)
part of:
Gioachino Rossini11:43
4Il viaggio a Reims: Overture
John Mordler (producer)
Philharmonia Orchestra (London orchestra, known as New Philharmonia Orchestra from 1964-1976) (from 1979-11-15 until 1979-11-19)
Riccardo Muti (conductor) (from 1979-11-15 until 1979-11-19)
balance engineer:
Neville Boyling (engineer)
recorded at:
Abbey Road Studios: Studio 1 in St John's Wood, Westminster, London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (from 1979-11-15 until 1979-11-19)
recording of:
Il viaggio a Reims: Overture (from 1979-11-15 until 1979-11-19)
Gioachino Rossini (composer)
Gioachino Rossini7:43
5L'assedio di Corinto: Overture
John Mordler (producer)
Philharmonia Orchestra (London orchestra, known as New Philharmonia Orchestra from 1964-1976) (from 1979-11-15 until 1979-11-19)
Riccardo Muti (conductor) (from 1979-11-15 until 1979-11-19)
balance engineer:
Neville Boyling (engineer)
recorded at:
Abbey Road Studios: Studio 1 in St John's Wood, Westminster, London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (from 1979-11-15 until 1979-11-19)
recording of:
Le Siège de Corinthe : Ouverture (from 1979-11-15 until 1979-11-19)
Gioachino Rossini (composer)
part of:
Le Siège de Corinthe
Gioachino Rossini8:31
6Guillaume Tell: Overture
John Mordler (producer)
Philharmonia Orchestra (London orchestra, known as New Philharmonia Orchestra from 1964-1976) (on 1978-07-08, on 1979-04-06)
Riccardo Muti (conductor) (on 1978-07-08, on 1979-04-06)
balance engineer:
Neville Boyling (engineer)
recorded at:
Kingsway Hall in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (on 1978-07-08) and Abbey Road Studios: Studio 1 in St John's Wood, Westminster, London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (on 1979-04-06)
recording of:
Guillaume Tell : Ouverture (on 1978-07-08)
Gioachino Rossini (composer)
Hippolyte Louis-Florent Bis (librettist) and Étienne de Jouy
part of:
Guglielmo Tell (italian version by Calisto Bassi)
part of:
Guillaume Tell
Gioachino Rossini11:29
CD 19: Schumann: Overture to Schiller's “Die Braut von Messina” / Symphony no. 3 “Rhenish”
CD 20: Ballets from Verdi Operas: I vespri siciliani, Macbeth, Aida
CD 21: Schumann: Symphony no. 1 “Spring” / Mendelssohn: Symphony no. 5 “Reformation”
CD 22: Stravinsky: Le Sacre du printemps
CD 23: Beethoven: Symphony no. 6 “Pastoral”
CD 24: Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 4
CD 25: Verdi: Messa da Requiem (beginning) (1978-1979)
CD 26: Verdi: Messa da Requiem (conclusion) (1978-1979)
CD 27: Orff: Carmina Burana
CD 28: Mozart: Piano Concerto no. 22 / Symphony no. 24
CD 29: Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto no. 1
CD 30: Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 6 “Pathétique”
CD 31: Chabrier: España / Ravel: Rapsodie espagnole / Falla: El sombrero de tres picos, Ballet suites nos. 1 & 2
CD 32: Cherubini: Requiem in C minor “À la mémoire de Louis XVI”
CD 33: Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture / Serenade for Strings in C major
CD 34: Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet, Ballet Suites no. 1 & 2
CD 35: Stravinsky: Pétrouchka
CD 36: Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony
CD 37: Franck: Symphony in D minor / Le Chasseur maudit
CD 38: Rossini: Stabat Mater
CD 39: Mozart: Violin Concertos nos. 2 & 4
CD 40: Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade
CD 41: Ravel: Bolero / Daphnis et Chloé, Ballet suite no. 2 / Alborada del gracioso
CD 42: Schumann: Violin Concerto no. 1 / Sibelius: Violin Concerto
CD 43: Liszt: A Faust Symphony
CD 44: Liszt: Les Préludes / Verdi: Quattro pezzi sacri
CD 45: Brahms: Piano Concerto no. 1
CD 46: Mahler: Symphony no. 1
CD 47: Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Ballet Suite / Sleeping Beauty, Ballet Suite
CD 48: Handel: Water Music, Suites nos. 1-3
CD 49: Cherubini: Messa dell'Incoronazione in A major / Marche religieuse
CD 50: Bach: Brandenburg Concerto no. 2 / Telemann: Trumpet Concerto in D major / Torelli: Trumpet Concerto in D major / Haydn: Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major
CD 51: Bruckner: Symphony no. 4 “Romantic”
CD 52: Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique
CD 53: Respighi: Pini di Roma / Fontane di Roma / Feste Romane
CD 54: Scriabin: Symphony no. 1
CD 55: Mozart: Symphony no. 41 “Jupiter” / Divertimento in D major
CD 56: Beethoven: Symphonies nos. 1 & 5
CD 57: Beethoven: Symphony no. 3 “Eroica” / Fidelio, Overture / The Consecration of the House, Overture
CD 58: Beethoven: Symphonies nos. 2 & 4
CD 59: Berlioz: Roméo et Juliette (beginning)
CD 60: Berlioz: Roméo et Juliette (conclusion)
CD 61: Schubert: Symphony no. 9 “The Great”
CD 62: Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto no. 3
CD 63: Beethoven: Symphonies nos. 7 & 8
CD 64: Schubert: Symphonies nos. 4 “Tragic” & 6
CD 65: Mozart: Requiem / Ave verum corpus
CD 66: Verdi: Messa da Requiem (beginning) (1987)
CD 67: Verdi: Messa da Requiem (conclusion) (1987)
CD 68: Beethoven: Symphony no. 6 “Pastoral” / “Leonore” no. 3, Overture
CD 69: Bruckner: Symphony no. 6
CD 70: Cherubini: Messa solenne per l'Incoronazione di Luigi XVIII
CD 71: Beethoven: Symphony no. 9
CD 72: Scriabin: Symphony no. 3 “Le divin Poème” / Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet
CD 73: Dvořák: Violin Concerto / Romance for Violin & Orchestra
CD 74: Schubert: Symphonies nos. 3 & 5
CD 75: Scriabin: Symphony no. 2 / Tchaikovsky: Hamlet, Overture
CD 76: Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto no. 2 / Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
CD 77: Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 6 “Pathétique” / Scriabin: Le Poème d l'extase
CD 78: Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 4 / Scriabin: Prométhée, le Poème du feu
CD 79: Schubert: Symphonies nos. 1 & 8 “Unfinished”
CD 80: Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 5 / Francesca da Rimini
CD 81: Shostakovich: Symphony no. 5 / Festive Overture
CD 82: Schubert: Symphony no. 2 / Rosamunde, Overture & Incidental Music
CD 83: Chausson: Poème de l'amour et de la mer / Ravel: Une barque sur l'océan / Debussy: La Mer
CD 84: Vivaldi: Concerto “La Tempesta di mare” / Flute Concerto “La Notte” / Le quattro stagioni (The Four Seasons)
CD 85: New Year's Concert 1997 (beginning)
CD 86: New Year's Concert 1997 (conclusion)
CD 87: New Year's Concert 2000 (beginning)
CD 88: New Year's Concert 2000 (conclusion)
CD 89: Cherubini: Messa solenne in D minor (per il Principe Esterhazy)
CD 90: Cherubini: Missa solemnis in E major / Two Motets
CD 91: Muti and the Philharmonia - A Legendary Era