Hollywood’s Bleeding (clean, Mastered for iTunes)

~ Release by Post Malone (see all versions of this release, 11 available)


Countries excluded (iTunes)

(As of 2020-08-21).

  • Northern Africa: 🇱🇾 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (ly)
  • Western Africa: 🇲🇱 Mali (ml)

Countries where available (iTunes)

(As of 2020-08-21).

  • Northern America: 🇺🇸 United States (us) 🇧🇲 Bermuda (bm) 🇨🇦 Canada (ca) 🇲🇽 Mexico (mx)
  • Central America: 🇧🇿 Belize (bz) 🇨🇷 Costa Rica (cr) 🇬🇹 Guatemala (gt) 🇭🇳 Honduras (hn) 🇳🇮 Nicaragua (ni) 🇵🇦 Panama (pa) 🇸🇻 El Salvador (sv)
  • Caribbean: 🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda (ag) 🇦🇮 Anguilla (ai) 🇧🇧 Barbados (bb) 🇧🇸 Bahamas (bs) 🇩🇲 Dominica (dm) 🇩🇴 Dominican Republic (do) 🇬🇩 Grenada (gd) 🇯🇲 Jamaica (jm) 🇰🇳 Saint Kitts and Nevis (kn) 🇰🇾 Cayman Islands (ky) 🇱🇨 Saint Lucia (lc) 🇲🇸 Montserrat (ms) 🇹🇨 Turks and Caicos Islands (tc) 🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago (tt) 🇻🇨 Saint Vincent and Grenadines (vc) 🇻🇬 Virgin Islands, British (vg)
  • South America: 🇦🇷 Argentina (ar) 🇧🇴 Bolivia (bo) 🇧🇷 Brazil (br) 🇨🇱 Chile (cl) 🇨🇴 Colombia (co) 🇪🇨 Ecuador (ec) 🇵🇪 Peru (pe) 🇵🇾 Paraguay (py) 🇺🇾 Uruguay (uy) 🇻🇪 Venezuela (ve) 🇬🇾 Guyana (gy) 🇸🇷 Suriname (sr)
  • Western Europe: 🇦🇹 Austria (at) 🇧🇪 Belgium (be) 🇨🇭 Switzerland (ch) 🇩🇪 Germany (de) 🇫🇷 France (fr) 🇱🇺 Luxembourg (lu) 🇳🇱 Netherlands (nl)
  • Northern Europe: 🇩🇰 Denmark (dk) 🇪🇪 Estonia (ee) 🇫🇮 Finland (fi) 🇬🇧 United Kingdom (gb) 🇮🇪 Ireland (ie) 🇮🇸 Iceland (is) 🇱🇹 Lithuania (lt) 🇱🇻 Latvia (lv) 🇳🇴 Norway (no) 🇸🇪 Sweden (se)
  • Southern Europe: 🇨🇾 Cyprus (cy) 🇪🇸 Spain (es) 🇬🇷 Greece (gr) 🇭🇷 Croatia (hr) 🇮🇹 Italy (it) 🇲🇰 Macedonia (mk) 🇲🇹 Malta (mt) 🇵🇹 Portugal (pt) 🇸🇮 Slovenia (si) 🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina (ba) 🇲🇪 Montenegro (me)
  • Eastern Europe: 🇧🇬 Bulgaria (bg) 🇧🇾 Belarus (by) 🇨🇿 Czech Republic (cz) 🇭🇺 Hungary (hu) 🇲🇩 Moldova (md) 🇵🇱 Poland (pl) 🇷🇴 Romania (ro) 🇷🇺 Russian Federation (ru) 🇸🇰 Slovakia (sk) 🇺🇦 Ukraine (ua) 🇽🇰 Kosovo (xk)
  • Northern Africa: 🇩🇿 Algeria (dz) 🇪🇬 Egypt (eg) 🇹🇳 Tunisia (tn) 🇲🇦 Morocco (ma)
  • Western Africa: 🇧🇫 Burkina Faso (bf) 🇧🇯 Benin (bj) 🇨🇻 Cape Verde (cv) 🇬🇭 Ghana (gh) 🇬🇲 Gambia (gm) 🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau (gw) 🇱🇷 Liberia (lr) 🇲🇷 Mauritania (mr) 🇳🇪 Niger (ne) 🇳🇬 Nigeria (ng) 🇸🇱 Sierra Leone (sl) 🇸🇳 Senegal (sn) 🇨🇮 Cote D’Ivoire (ci)
  • Eastern Africa: 🇰🇪 Kenya (ke) 🇲🇬 Madagascar (mg) 🇲🇺 Mauritius (mu) 🇲🇼 Malawi (mw) 🇲🇿 Mozambique (mz) 🇸🇨 Seychelles (sc) 🇹🇿 Tanzania (tz) 🇺🇬 Uganda (ug) 🇿🇼 Zimbabwe (zw) 🇷🇼 Rwanda (rw) 🇿🇲 Zambia (zm)
  • Middle Africa: 🇦🇴 Angola (ao) 🇨🇬 Congo (cg) 🇹🇩 Chad (td) 🇨🇩 Congo, Democratic Republic (cd) 🇨🇲 Cameroon (cm) 🇬🇦 Gabon (ga)
  • Southern Africa: 🇧🇼 Botswana (bw) 🇳🇦 Namibia (na) 🇸🇿 Swaziland (sz) 🇿🇦 South Africa (za)
  • Western Asia: 🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates (ae) 🇦🇲 Armenia (am) 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan (az) 🇧🇭 Bahrain (bh) 🇮🇱 Israel (il) 🇯🇴 Jordan (jo) 🇰🇼 Kuwait (kw) 🇱🇧 Lebanon (lb) 🇴🇲 Oman (om) 🇶🇦 Qatar (qa) 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia (sa) 🇹🇷 Turkey (tr) 🇾🇪 Yemen (ye) 🇬🇪 Georgia (ge) 🇮🇶 Iraq (iq)
  • Central Asia: 🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan (kg) 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan (kz) 🇹🇯 Tajikistan (tj) 🇹🇲 Turkmenistan (tm) 🇺🇿 Uzbekistan (uz)
  • Southern Asia: 🇧🇹 Bhutan (bt) 🇮🇳 India (in) 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka (lk) 🇳🇵 Nepal (np) 🇲🇻 Maldives (mv)
  • Eastern Asia: 🇨🇳 China (cn) 🇭🇰 Hong Kong (hk) 🇯🇵 Japan (jp) 🇰🇷 Korea (kr) 🇲🇳 Mongolia (mn) 🇲🇴 Macao (mo) 🇹🇼 Taiwan (tw)
  • South-Eastern Asia: 🇧🇳 Brunei Darussalam (bn) 🇮🇩 Indonesia (id) 🇰🇭 Cambodia (kh) 🇱🇦 Lao People’s Democratic Republic (la) 🇲🇾 Malaysia (my) 🇵🇭 Philippines (ph) 🇸🇬 Singapore (sg) 🇹🇭 Thailand (th) 🇻🇳 Viet‐Nam (vn) 🇲🇲 Myanmar (mm)
  • Oceania: 🇦🇺 Australia (au) 🇳🇿 New Zealand (nz)
  • Polynesia: 🇹🇴 Tonga (to)
  • Melanesia: 🇫🇯 Fiji (fj) 🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea (pg) 🇸🇧 Solomon Islands (sb) 🇻🇺 Vanuatu (vu)
  • Micronesia: 🇫🇲 Micronesia, Federated States of (fm)

Countries excluded (iTunes)

(As of 2020-08-21).

  • Northern Africa: 🇱🇾 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (ly)
  • Western Africa: 🇲🇱 Mali (ml)

Countries where available (iTunes)

(As of 2020-08-21).

  • Northern America: 🇺🇸 United States (us) 🇧🇲 Bermuda (bm) 🇨🇦 Canada (ca) 🇲🇽 Mexico (mx)
  • Central America: 🇧🇿 Belize (bz) 🇨🇷 Costa Rica (cr) 🇬🇹 Guatemala (gt) 🇭🇳 Honduras (hn) 🇳🇮 Nicaragua (ni) 🇵🇦 Panama (pa) 🇸🇻 El Salvador (sv)
  • Caribbean: 🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda (ag) 🇦🇮 Anguilla (ai) 🇧🇧 Barbados (bb) 🇧🇸 Bahamas (bs) 🇩🇲 Dominica (dm) 🇩🇴 Dominican Republic (do) 🇬🇩 Grenada (gd) 🇯🇲 Jamaica (jm) 🇰🇳 Saint Kitts and Nevis (kn) 🇰🇾 Cayman Islands (ky) 🇱🇨 Saint Lucia (lc) 🇲🇸 Montserrat (ms) 🇹🇨 Turks and Caicos Islands (tc) 🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago (tt) 🇻🇨 Saint Vincent and Grenadines (vc) 🇻🇬 Virgin Islands, British (vg)
  • South America: 🇦🇷 Argentina (ar) 🇧🇴 Bolivia (bo) 🇧🇷 Brazil (br) 🇨🇱 Chile (cl) 🇨🇴 Colombia (co) 🇪🇨 Ecuador (ec) 🇵🇪 Peru (pe) 🇵🇾 Paraguay (py) 🇺🇾 Uruguay (uy) 🇻🇪 Venezuela (ve) 🇬🇾 Guyana (gy) 🇸🇷 Suriname (sr)
  • Western Europe: 🇦🇹 Austria (at) 🇧🇪 Belgium (be) 🇨🇭 Switzerland (ch) 🇩🇪 Germany (de) 🇫🇷 France (fr) 🇱🇺 Luxembourg (lu) 🇳🇱 Netherlands (nl)
  • Northern Europe: 🇩🇰 Denmark (dk) 🇪🇪 Estonia (ee) 🇫🇮 Finland (fi) 🇬🇧 United Kingdom (gb) 🇮🇪 Ireland (ie) 🇮🇸 Iceland (is) 🇱🇹 Lithuania (lt) 🇱🇻 Latvia (lv) 🇳🇴 Norway (no) 🇸🇪 Sweden (se)
  • Southern Europe: 🇨🇾 Cyprus (cy) 🇪🇸 Spain (es) 🇬🇷 Greece (gr) 🇭🇷 Croatia (hr) 🇮🇹 Italy (it) 🇲🇰 Macedonia (mk) 🇲🇹 Malta (mt) 🇵🇹 Portugal (pt) 🇷🇸 Serbia (rs) 🇸🇮 Slovenia (si) 🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina (ba) 🇲🇪 Montenegro (me)
  • Eastern Europe: 🇧🇬 Bulgaria (bg) 🇧🇾 Belarus (by) 🇨🇿 Czech Republic (cz) 🇭🇺 Hungary (hu) 🇲🇩 Moldova (md) 🇵🇱 Poland (pl) 🇷🇴 Romania (ro) 🇷🇺 Russian Federation (ru) 🇸🇰 Slovakia (sk) 🇺🇦 Ukraine (ua) 🇽🇰 Kosovo (xk)
  • Northern Africa: 🇩🇿 Algeria (dz) 🇪🇬 Egypt (eg) 🇹🇳 Tunisia (tn) 🇲🇦 Morocco (ma)
  • Western Africa: 🇧🇫 Burkina Faso (bf) 🇧🇯 Benin (bj) 🇨🇻 Cape Verde (cv) 🇬🇭 Ghana (gh) 🇬🇲 Gambia (gm) 🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau (gw) 🇱🇷 Liberia (lr) 🇲🇷 Mauritania (mr) 🇳🇪 Niger (ne) 🇳🇬 Nigeria (ng) 🇸🇱 Sierra Leone (sl) 🇸🇳 Senegal (sn) 🇨🇮 Cote D’Ivoire (ci)
  • Eastern Africa: 🇰🇪 Kenya (ke) 🇲🇬 Madagascar (mg) 🇲🇺 Mauritius (mu) 🇲🇼 Malawi (mw) 🇲🇿 Mozambique (mz) 🇸🇨 Seychelles (sc) 🇹🇿 Tanzania (tz) 🇺🇬 Uganda (ug) 🇿🇼 Zimbabwe (zw) 🇷🇼 Rwanda (rw) 🇿🇲 Zambia (zm)
  • Middle Africa: 🇦🇴 Angola (ao) 🇨🇬 Congo (cg) 🇹🇩 Chad (td) 🇨🇩 Congo, Democratic Republic (cd) 🇨🇲 Cameroon (cm) 🇬🇦 Gabon (ga)
  • Southern Africa: 🇧🇼 Botswana (bw) 🇳🇦 Namibia (na) 🇸🇿 Swaziland (sz) 🇿🇦 South Africa (za)
  • Western Asia: 🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates (ae) 🇦🇲 Armenia (am) 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan (az) 🇧🇭 Bahrain (bh) 🇮🇱 Israel (il) 🇯🇴 Jordan (jo) 🇰🇼 Kuwait (kw) 🇱🇧 Lebanon (lb) 🇴🇲 Oman (om) 🇶🇦 Qatar (qa) 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia (sa) 🇹🇷 Turkey (tr) 🇾🇪 Yemen (ye) 🇬🇪 Georgia (ge) 🇮🇶 Iraq (iq)
  • Central Asia: 🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan (kg) 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan (kz) 🇹🇯 Tajikistan (tj) 🇹🇲 Turkmenistan (tm) 🇺🇿 Uzbekistan (uz)
  • Southern Asia: 🇧🇹 Bhutan (bt) 🇮🇳 India (in) 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka (lk) 🇳🇵 Nepal (np) 🇲🇻 Maldives (mv)
  • Eastern Asia: 🇨🇳 China (cn) 🇭🇰 Hong Kong (hk) 🇯🇵 Japan (jp) 🇰🇷 Korea (kr) 🇲🇳 Mongolia (mn) 🇲🇴 Macao (mo) 🇹🇼 Taiwan (tw)
  • South-Eastern Asia: 🇧🇳 Brunei Darussalam (bn) 🇮🇩 Indonesia (id) 🇰🇭 Cambodia (kh) 🇱🇦 Lao People’s Democratic Republic (la) 🇲🇾 Malaysia (my) 🇵🇭 Philippines (ph) 🇸🇬 Singapore (sg) 🇹🇭 Thailand (th) 🇻🇳 Viet‐Nam (vn) 🇲🇲 Myanmar (mm)
  • Oceania: 🇦🇺 Australia (au) 🇳🇿 New Zealand (nz)
  • Polynesia: 🇹🇴 Tonga (to)
  • Melanesia: 🇫🇯 Fiji (fj) 🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea (pg) 🇸🇧 Solomon Islands (sb) 🇻🇺 Vanuatu (vu)
  • Micronesia: 🇫🇲 Micronesia, Federated States of (fm)
Annotation last modified on 2020-08-26 15:02 UTC.


Digital Media 1
1Hollywood’s Bleeding
recording engineer:
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter)
programming and producer:
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Brian Lee (Korean American songwriter)
assistant mixer:
Scott Desmarais, Robin Florent, Chris Galland and Jeremie Inhaber
Manny Marroquin
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Brian Lee (Korean American songwriter)
Post Malone
recorded at:
Electric Feel Studios in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States
mixed at:
Larrabee Studios in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States
recording of:
Hollywood’s Bleeding
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Carter Lang, Brian Lee (Korean American songwriter) and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Dong Hoe Music, Posty Co LLC, Songs of Universal, Inc., Sony/ATV, UMPG, Warner Chappell and WMMW
Post Malone2.252:36
recording of:
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Adam Feeney (Canadian record producer, songwriter, musician), Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Jahaan Akil Sweet (producer), Nima Jahanbin, Paimon Jahanbin and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Posty Co LLC, Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing, Sony/ATV, The Sweet Life, LLC, UMPG, Wallis Lane Music, Warner–Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (publisher; do NOT use as release label) and WMMW
Post Malone2:31
recording of:
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Jonathan Kirk and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Baby Jesus Publishing, Posty Co LLC, Sony/ATV, South Coast Music Group LLC, UMPG and WMMW
Post Malone feat. DaBaby3:17
recording of:
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Brian Lee (Korean American songwriter) and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Dong Hoe Music, Posty Co LLC, Songs of Universal, Inc., Sony/ATV, UMPG and WMMW
Post Malone2:37
5A Thousand Bad Times
recording of:
A Thousand Bad Times
Adam Feeney (Canadian record producer, songwriter, musician), Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Kaan Gunesberk and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Kaan Gunesberk Publishing, Posty Co LLC, Sony/ATV, UMPG and WMMW
Post Malone3:41
recording engineer:
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter)
Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Frank Dukes (Canadian record producer, songwriter, musician)
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Frank Dukes (Canadian record producer, songwriter, musician) and Post Malone
assistant mixer:
Scott Desmarais, Robin Florent, Chris Galland and Jeremie Inhaber
Manny Marroquin
Austin Post and Kaan Gunesberk
Post Malone
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Republic Records (from 1994–2006 and since 2012, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.) (in 2019)
recorded at:
Electric Feel Studios in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States
mixed at:
Larrabee Studios in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States
part of:
Billboard Year-End Hot 100 singles of 2020 (number: 2) and Billboard Year-End Hot 100 singles of 2019 (number: 62)
recording of:
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Adam Feeney (Canadian record producer, songwriter, musician), Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Kaan Gunesberk and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Kaan Gunesberk Publishing, Posty Co LLC, Sony/ATV, UMPG and WMMW
part of:
Grammy Award: Song of the Year nominees (number: 2021)
Post Malone3.83:35
7Die for Me
recording of:
Die for Me
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Ashley Frangipane (US singer/songwriter Ashley Frangipane), Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Happy Perez, Nayvadius Wilburn (US rapper Nayvadius Cash), Billy Walsh (American songwriter) and Andrew Watt
17 Black Music, Andrew Watt Music, Irving Music Inc., Nayvadius Maximus Music, Polk St. Music, Posty Co LLC, Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing, Songs of Universal, Inc., Sony/ATV, UMPG and WMMW
Post Malone feat. Future & Halsey4:05
8On the RoadPost Malone feat. Meek Mill & Lil Baby3:38
9Take What You Want
recording engineer:
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Paul LaMalfa
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Kaan Gunesberk and Andrew Watt
assistant engineer:
Scott Desmarais, Robin Florent, Chris Galland and Jeremie Inhaber
Andrew Watt, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) (lead vocals [vocal])
Manny Marroquin
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Andrew Watt
Ozzy Osbourne, Post Malone and Travis Scott (US rapper)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Epic Records (a division of Sony Music Entertainment; holding company, not a release label)
recorded at:
Electric Feel Studios in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States, Gold Tooth Music in Beverly Hills, California, United States and SARM Studios in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom
mixed at:
Larrabee Studios in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States
recording of:
Take What You Want
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Jacques Webster (US rapper), John Osbourne, Billy Walsh (American songwriter) and Andrew Watt
Andrew Watt Music, Blizzard Music Limited (publisher), BMG Gold Songs, EMI April Music Inc., Essex Music Int. Inc., Lubalz Publishing, Monowise Ltd., Nyankingmusic, Onward Music Ltd, Posty Co LLC, Posty Publishing, Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing, Songs of Universal, Inc., Sony/ATV, Travis Scott Music, UMPG, WMMW and WMMW Publishing
Post Malone feat. Ozzy Osbourne & Travis Scott2.953:50
10I’m Gonna Be
recording of:
I’m Gonna Be
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Posty Co LLC, Sony/ATV, UMPG and WMMW
Post Malone3:21
11Staring at the Sun
recording of:
Staring at the Sun
Seth Nyquist (Seth Nyquist) and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Adam Feeney (Canadian record producer, songwriter, musician), Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Matt Tavares (CA jazz, member BADBADNOTGOOD), Seth Nyquist (Seth Nyquist), Solána Rowe and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Posty Co LLC, Songs of Universal, Inc., Sony/ATV, Third Side Music (SOCAN), UMPG and WMMW
Post Malone feat. SZA2:48
12Sunflower (Spider‐Man: Into the Spider‐Verse)
recording engineer:
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter)
programming and producer:
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Carter Lang
DJ Mike D (DJ, remixer, and producer/engineer; Michael Adachi)
assistant mixer:
Scott Desmarais, Robin Florent, Chris Galland and Jeremie Inhaber
Manny Marroquin
Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Carter Lang
Swae Lee and Post Malone
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Republic Records (from 1994–2006 and since 2012, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.) (in 2018)
recorded at:
Electric Feel Studios in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States and Jungle City Studios in New York, New York, United States
mixed at:
Larrabee Studios in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States
part of:
Billboard Year-End Hot 100 singles of 2019 (number: 2) and Grammy Award: Best Pop Duo/Group Performance nominees (number: 2020)
recording of:
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Carl Rosen (songwriter), Khalif Malikibnsham Brown, Carter Lang and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Posty Co LLC, Sony/ATV, UMPG, Warner Chappell and WMMW
Post Malone & Swae Lee3.62:38
recording of:
Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Dacouri Dahi Natche, Michael Tucker and Kanye West
Dahi Productions, EMI Blackwood Music Inc. (1989-07-24–present), Kobalt Songs Music Publishing (USA, ASCAP affiliated), Michael Diamond Music, OWSLA Trax, Please Gimme My Publishing (publisher; do NOT use as release label), Posty Co LLC, Sony/ATV, These Are Songs of Pulse (ASCAP) and UMPG
Post Malone2:03
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Republic Records (from 1994–2006 and since 2012, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.) (in 2019)
recording of:
Jessie Lauryn Foutz and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Jessie Lauryn Foutz, Jeffery Williams (US rapper), Brian Lee (Korean American songwriter), Val Blavatnik and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Dong Hoe Music, Posty Co LLC, Songs of Universal, Inc., Songs of YSL Music Publishing, Sony/ATV, UMPG, Val Blavatnik Pub Designee, Warner–Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (publisher; do NOT use as release label) and WMMW
Post Malone feat. Young Thug2:55
recording of:
Adam Feeney (Canadian record producer, songwriter, musician), Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter), Emile Haynie (hip hop producer, aka "Emile") and Joshua Tillman
Heavycrate Music, Posty Co LLC, Sony/ATV, Total Entertainment Forever, UMPG, Universal Music Corporation (USA, affiliated with ASCAP) and Universal Publishing
Post Malone2:38
16I Know
recording of:
I Know
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Posty Co LLC, Sony/ATV, UMPG and WMMW
Post Malone2:21
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Republic Records (from 1994–2006 and since 2012, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.) (in 2018)
recording of:
Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Adam Feeny (Canadian record producer, songwriter, musician), Austin Post, Louis Bell (American producer, engineer, and songwriter) and Billy Walsh (American songwriter)
Posty Co LLC, Sony/ATV, UMPG and WMMW
Post Malone2:30



phonographic copyright (℗) by:Republic Records (from 1994–2006 and since 2012, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.) (in 2019)
part of:Apple Digital Masters (ex-“Mastered for iTunes”) (order: 2842)
purchase for download:https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/id1477886950 [info]
streaming page:https://music.apple.com/us/album/1477886950 [info]