
composer:Борис Александрович Чайковский (Russian-Soviet composer) (in 1966)
dedicated to:Мстислав Ростропович (cellist)
premiered at:[concert] (1967-01-10)
parts:1. Partita for Cello, Piano, Harpsichord, Electric Guitar and Percussion: I. Twelwe Notes
2. Partita for Cello, Piano, Harpsichord, Electric Guitar and Percussion: II. Toccata I
3. Partita for Cello, Piano, Harpsichord, Electric Guitar and Percussion: III. Canon
4. Partita for Cello, Piano, Harpsichord, Electric Guitar and Percussion: IV. Toccata II
5. Partita for Cello, Piano, Harpsichord, Electric Guitar and Percussion: V. Toccata III
6. Partita for Cello, Piano, Harpsichord, Electric Guitar and Percussion: VI. Conclusion