За рекой Ляохэ («За рекой Ляохэ загорались огни, грозно пушки в ночи грохотали, сотни храбрых орлов из казачьих полков на Инкоу в набег поскакали…»)

~ Song


The song is said to have been written in 1905 and and is therefore the basis for Там вдали, за рекой. However, there is no proof for that claim. In such a case, lets consider this song is a version of Там вдали, за рекой made by unknown lyricist.

See lyrics and additional info and article about the song.

Annotation last modified on 2023-05-13 21:02 UTC.


lyricist:[unknown] (Special Purpose Artist – Do not add releases here, if possible.)
version of:Там вдали, за рекой


За рекой ЛяохэcoverХор Сретенского монастыря5:00