
Wikipedia article shown below is dedicated to cartoon По следам бременских музыкантов. This work is not cartoon soundtrack but a musical tale. However both works, cartoon soundtrack and musical tale, include the same songs in the same order and were were created by the same authors, so information provided by the Wikipedia article is valuable for this work.

See also the prequel: Бременские музыканты.

Annotation last modified on 2015-05-24 23:29 UTC.


lyricist:Юрий Энтин
Василий Ливанов
composer:Геннадий Гладков
Wikidata:Q4366111 [info]
parts:Звёзды континентов («Весь мир у нас в руках, мы звёзды континентов…»)


1 сторонаpartialВ. Ливанов, Ю. Энтин, Г. Гладков
2 сторонаpartialВ. Ливанов, Ю. Энтин, Г. Гладков